To emphasize success in college and careers Prepare students with 21 st century skills Provide more rigorous content and application of knowledge Place emphasis on critical and analytical thinking Establish clear, consistent guidelines for instruction Students must be better prepared to compete in the global job market with a skill set and knowledge base that is changing as new technologies and careers evolve. These standards will drive this change.
LAFS Building knowledge through content-rich non-fiction text Use of literary and informational text as a basis for reading, writing, and speaking Regular practice with complex text & academic language Reading, writing, listening and speaking grounded in evidence from text Real-world applications Build knowledge through content-rich non-fiction text MAFS Deeper understanding of mathematical concepts Builds habits of mind of productive mathematical thinkers Real-world applications Modeling with pictures technology, graphs, manipulatives
WHAT WILL BE TESTED? LAFS and MAFS will be assessed with the new Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) Spring 2016 administration of assessments will include: FSA English Language Arts (ELA): Grades 3-11 Grades 4-11 will be paper & computer-based FSA ELA Writing Component: Grades 4-11 FSA Mathematics: Grades 3-8 Grades 5-8 will be computer-based FCAT Science: Grade 5 (paper based)
FSA TESTING DATES AND INFORMATION 4 TH GRADE Writing Component Paper Based: February 29 - March 11 1 session- 90 minutes Mathematics Paper Based March 28 - April 8 2 sessions- 80 minutes each English Language Arts Paper Based: April 11 – April 22 Computer Based: April 11 – May 6
4 TH GRADE WRITING *All writing will be Text-Based and must be supported using 1-3 reading sources ranging from words. Reading genres will vary including a wide array of topics. *Students will read a stimulus on a single topic and respond to a writing prompt giving information on a topic or take a stance to support an opinion. *Students will have 90 minutes to read the sources, plan, write, and revise their writing. *Writing will be handwritten. *Students can score a maximum of 10 points using a rubric on each of the following areas: *Purpose, focus, and organization (4 points) *Evidence and elaboration (4 points) *Conventions of Standard English (2 points)
4 TH GRADE WRITING SAMPLE QUESTIONS Opinion/Argument Prompt: Which mystery do you think was more difficult to solve, “The Case of the Missing Necklace” or “The Case of the Missing Homework?” Support your opinion with reasons from both stories. Common Core Standard: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information. *Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and crate an organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose. *Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details. *Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g. for instance, in order to, in addition) *Provide a conclusion statement or section related to the opinion presented.
4 TH GRADE WRITING SAMPLE QUESTIONS Informative/Explanatory Prompt: Explain why and how the ancient Egyptians built the Great Pyramid. Support your explanation with evidence from “The Great Pyramid of Giza.” Common Core Standard: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. *Introduce a topic or text clearly, and group related information in paragraphs and sections; include formatting (e.g. headings), illustrations, and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. *Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information related to the topic. *Link ideas with categories of information using words and phrases (e.g., another, for example, also, because). *Provide a conclusion statement or section related to the information or explanation presented.
4 TH GRADE READING *Assessments will be divided into two 80 minute sections. *A stimulus may consist of one or more texts. The texts may be informational or literary and can cover a wide array of topics. Multimedia elements may include audio presentations, slideshows, or graphical elements. *Text word count will vary in complexity and range between words. *Questions will be multiple choice and include written responses where answers must be supported using evidence from the source provided. *Some questions may have more than one correct answer.
TEXT BASED READING & WRITING TEXT TYPES Primary Sources/Nonfiction Historical documents (e.g., Bill of Rights) Essays (e.g., informational, persuasive, analytical, historical, scientific) Letters, journals, diaries Secondary Sources/Nonfiction Magazine articles Newspaper articles Editorials Encyclopedia articles Functional Materials Consumer documents (e.g., warranties, manuals, contracts, applications) Embedded in text (e.g., tables, charts, maps, graphs, illustrations, photographs, captions, text boxes) How-to articles Brochures, fliers Schedules Website pages
TEXT BASED READING & WRITING TEXT TYPES Literary Nonfiction Biographical and autobiographical sketches Diaries, memoirs, journals, letters Essays (e.g., personal and classical narratives) Critiques Literary Fiction Short stories Poetry Historical fiction Fables Folk tales, tall tales Legends Myths Drama Fantasy Excerpts from longer works
Hot Text Requires the student to select words or phrases from the text that explicitly state the theme of the passage. Requires the student to select words or phrases from the text that provide explicit support for the theme. Requires the student to select the theme, and then to select words or phrases from the text to support the theme selected [Two-Part Hot Text]. Requires the student to select sentences from the text that represent key events that should be addressed in a summary. Multiple Choice Requires the student to select the theme of the passage. Requires the student to select explicit or implicit details that support the theme of the passage. Requires the student to select the correct summary of the text. Open Response Requires the student to state the theme of the passage. Requires the student to state details from the text that can be used to support the theme of the passage. Requires the student to state the theme of the passage and a detail from the text that can be used to support the theme of the passage.
4 TH GRADE MATH *Assessments will be divided into two 80 minute sections. *4 th Grade Math Assessment will be paper- based. *No Reference Sheets or Calculators are permitted. *Response Mechanisms will vary. Some will be multiple choice and some will require two types of responses.
4th Grade Reporting Categories
HOW MAY I HELP MY CHILD ACHIEVE THE FLORIDA STANDARDS? Read different types of books/genres and informational texts with your child. Ask your child to find answers to questions in the text of books, newspaper articles, manuals, etc. Encourage your child to form and defend an opinion by supporting it with facts, details and reasons from text. Have you child paraphrase and summarize information and evidence from texts. Discuss mathematics ideas with your child have them explain these to you using pictures, graphs, etc. Visit the Florida Standards Assessment online portal at: to become familiar with the new assessments.