? Andrea Are Altmetrics Still Alternative? NFAIS, February, 26,
Current State of Scholarly Measure 2
Well-known Problems with Citation Analysis Self-citations Citations added because of pressure by editors Negative citations Only about 30% of influences are cited* “Informal” influence isn’t measured through citations Secondary sources Review articles “take” citations away from reviewed articles Matthew effect – the rich get richer * MacRoberts and MacRoberts,
4 Citations are only a small fraction of how a paper is reused 4 0.3% 100% 22.3% Article-Level Metrics collected October 10, 2012 for 62,536 PLOS Papers
The world has changed 5
Scholarly Data Exhaust 6
altmetrics 7 #altmetricsallmetrics
Different categories of impact Usage Downloads, views, book holdings, ILL, document delivery Captures Favorites, bookmarks, saves, readers, groups, watchers Mentions Blog post, news story, Wikipedia article, comments, review Social Media Tweets, Google +1s, likes, shares, ratings Citations Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, patents 9
Does the # of citations tell the whole story? Scopus = 2 Web of Science = 0 Google Scholar = 8 PubMed = 1 Photo credit: A. Wayne Vogl and Nicholas D. Pyenson / Smithsonian Institution. 11
Recency Matters Citations counts lag Hot research today will hit critical mass of citations in 3-5 years Killer search relevancy = recency + impact 12
New tech challenge: Merging metrics Link Resolver metadata a published version Identity Resolution merge metrics from ALL copies 13
Different versions and links 14 arxiv.org PLOS Institutional repository Researcher website Link resolver Bit.ly Direct link DOI
Open Access Feedback Loop
New Metrics = New Vantage Point COUNTER how much your institution uses the collection Article-level metrics and Plum how much the world uses your research 17
People not just Papers Social Graph Author disambiguation and normalization At Web Scale 18
19 “Given how tight budgets are around the world, governments are rightfully demanding effectiveness in the programs they pay for. To address these demands, we need better measurement tools to determine which approaches work and which do not.” Bill Gates Gates Foundation Annual Letter 2013
20 NIH: The Competition for Research $
The Data Advantage 21
Research: metrics at all levels Outputs ROI Funding Showcase Rank Performing Tools Analytics Supporting 22
Benefits for Content Providers Identify new collections and fields of study Uncover new authors Target promotional efforts measure success Enhance products Metrics to determine content placement Display of metrics themselves Increase ad revenue by targeting areas of higher interest 23
24 “This guy could be not just the best pitcher in our bullpen, but one of the most effective relief pitchers in all of baseball. This guy should cost $3 million a year. We can get him for $237,000.” “…of the 20,000 notable players for us to consider, I believe that there is a championship team of twenty-five people that we can afford, because everyone else in baseball undervalues them.”
The horse is here to stay, but the automobile is only a novelty—a fad - Henry Ford's lawyer Horace Rackham 26
Thank You! Are Altmetrics Still Alternative? Analytics and Impact – the new A&I? 27 Andrea Michalek