Review homework. By only using a colour key shading – what information could a map (or data map) show us?
Atlas Maps: Relief and Other Themes To be able to analyse themed atlas maps.
1) To know how to use atlas maps and understand that they can show information (data). 2) To be able to recognise and describe distributions and patterns. 3) To be able to relate patterns of human geography to patterns of physical geography.
To know how to use atlas maps and understand that they can show information (data). In pairs get a yellow atlas from the bottom shelves “Modern School Atlas”. (get the newer soft cover one). Task 1: look at the maps on pages and name and describe any ten that use colour shading tell to the reader information. Task 2: use the index to locate Jedda, Saudi Arabia. The numbers next to it are Page Number, Grid Square, latitude and longitude. Turn the map and locate Jedda. Task 3: What do the colours mean on this map? Task 4: can you write any information about the situation and site of Jedda by using this map?
To be able to recognise and describe distributions and patterns. Task 1: use the map of British Isles Climate: Annual Precipitation (p34). Describe the distribution of precipitation. Tips: these questions are usually 4 or 5 marks. Use HOLT, the compass and refer to the map data. Task 2: for 4 marks explain why the precipitation pattern is like this. Explain each point of your description and use and compare the information given by British Isles: Relief of Land (p33).
Extension. Can you describe and explain links between the patterns for any other two maps. (You may choose from the small maps on pages 36-40) E.g. the pattern for Unemployment compares to the pattern for Assisted Areas and this is how…………………
To be able to relate patterns of human geography to patterns of physical geography. Pair activity: What patterns of human geography could be related to patterns of physical geography? Describe and compare the patterns of Cereal Farming (p38) with the patterns of July temperatures (p35).
Do and mark the exam question on China
Now make the link between this human map pattern and the physical map of China on page 237 of the Tomorrows Geography by answering the following question….make links, compare and explain the HOLT with map evidence.
Research, print and annotate the patterns for a physical themed map and a human themed map. (extension: ensure they are linked)