HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 CP1 Chapter 1 Sec. 1 Name:__________________ Due Date:_______________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then take notes on the information in outline form. -After you have finished reading the text and completing the outline, review your notes. You may want create questions based on the information you wrote down to help you prepare for chapter assessments. Chapter 1 Section 1: Exploring the World Around Us (p. 3 – 7) What are the five themes of geography? How does movement contribute to global interdependence? What are some ways of defining regions? Vocab: geography, location, latitude, longitude, export, import, interdependence OUTLINENOTES Introduction What is Geography? Location Place
OUTLINENOTES Interaction Between People and Their Environment Movement Region
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 CP1 Chapter 1 Sec. 2 Name:__________________ Due Date:_______________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then take notes on the information in outline form. -After you have finished reading the text and completing the outline, review your notes. You may want create questions based on the information you wrote down to help you prepare for chapter assessments. Chapter 1 Section 2: Understanding the Physical World (p. 8-12) Why have mapmakers created different map projections? What are the four major landforms? What factors influence climate? Vocab: map projection, topography, vegetation, mountain, elevation, hill, plateau, climate OUTLINENOTES Introduction Tools of Geographers Special Purpose Maps Maps and Culture
OUTLINENOTES Major Landforms Climate Zones
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 CP1 Chapter 1 Sec. 3 Name:__________________ Due Date:_______________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then take notes on the information in outline form. -After you have finished reading the text and completing the outline, review your notes. You may want create questions based on the information you wrote down to help you prepare for chapter assessments. Chapter 1 Section 3: The Meaning of Culture (p. 13 – 18) What are the major elements of culture? Why is family the most important unit of social organization? What kinds of governments and economies have societies developed? Vocab: culture, nuclear family, extended family, monotheism, polytheism, democracy, republic, dictatorship OUTLINENOTES Introduction Elements of Culture Social Organization Customs and Tradition
OUTLINENOTES Language Arts and Literature Religion Forms of Government Economic Systems
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 CP1 Chapter 1 Sec. 4 Name:__________________ Due Date:_______________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then take notes on the information in outline form. -After you have finished reading the text and completing the outline, review your notes. You may want create questions based on the information you wrote down to help you prepare for chapter assessments. Chapter 1 Section 4: How Cultures Change (p ) What factors cause cultures to change? Why has the rate of cultural change increased this century? Why do people often have trouble understanding one another’s cultures? Vocab: technology, diffusion, subculture, ethnocentrism, racism OUTLINENOTES Introduction Causes of Cultural Change Diffusion
OUTLINENOTES Tradition and Change Up Close: A Way of Life Changes Understanding Other Cultures