news as a social construct external influences
government and news legal controls -- limited news management -- extensive
advertising and news rise of advertising: mass production, mass distribution, mass marketing target audiences: demographics, psychographics household penetration sheer amount of advertising pressure on content
interest groups and news examples pressure groups expert sources (numbers, specialization) other public relations activities
public relations today huge industry functions: publicity, communication, public affairs, government relations, community relations
who uses PR? governments politicians/candidates educational institutions non-profit groups professional/trade organizations entertainment, sports figures businesses
case #1. Tylenol dead. cyanide. personal, business disaster removed product launched media campaign Burson Marsteller: video teleconference, press kits, mailgrams
case #2. guns National Rifle Association Handgun Control Inc.
case #3. Kuwait 1990: Citizens for a Free Kuwait. Hill and Knowlton goals for PR campaign strategies: press conferences, bumper stickers, photo images, coaching for interviews, media tours, contact media, Cong’l hearings, video crews
every day use of PR print: news releases video news releases
Neutragena aim: sales of Neutragena strategy: into news/media taking care of facial skin expert (dermatologist): mild soap, such as…. color of soap
hypothetical situation facts: electrocardiogram usage down; doctors, medical journals discount its value. Your client: makes EKGs. how do you help your client?
how to spot VNRs reporter not actually shown interviewing people new product/new technology factory or office scenes business or product in positive light ask yourself: who benefits?
are VNRs good? 1.could be newsworthy 2.cuts news costs 3.visuals
are VNRs bad? becomes marketing 2.politicians using TAX money 3.businesses taking advantage of news – blurring of news, ad 4.intent: fool audience
other influences: other media Prestige media New York Times CNN New England Journal of Medicine
other influences: community concerns community ties media as boosters