Front of classroom OwenDaysia DevinNekeyla JacksonKenny JonathanKendra EmilianoErick ChristineLennin JoshuaRayoni
DO NOW: 1. What (if anything) do you know about forensics or what forensics is? Monday 30 January Topic: Intro to Forensics HW: 1. Complete last page of syllabus 2. Create a timeline of the information from class – make sure it’s TO SCALE! (sets the stage for Thursday’s class) OBJECTIVE: You will be able to describe how forensics developed into a prominent field of study throughout time.
FAQ’s GRADES 40% Tests/Quizzes All do now sheets = 1 test 30% Lab & class activities 20% Homework 10% Citizenship WEEKLY TASKS: Monday = notes Thurs = lab/activity Friday = debrief of activity (1/2 pd) and weekly quiz (1/2 pd) EXPECTATIONS One speaker at a time Professional volumes On-task talk 1 minute after the bell to be in your seat and writing the do-now silently 1 verbal warning, name on board, and then a blue slip OBJECTIVE: You will be able to describe how forensics developed into a prominent field of study throughout time.
UNITS 1. Logistics of a crime scene 2. Document Analysis 3. Prints (fingerprints, voiceprints, lip prints, footprints) 4. Blood & DNA evidence 5. Fiber Analysis (hair and clothing) 6. Anthropological Investigations OBJECTIVE: You will be able to describe how forensics developed into a prominent field of study throughout time.
What is forensics? “The application of scientific practices within the legal process” Use of scientific procedures to analyze evidence Can be applied to any type of crime OBJECTIVE: You will be able to describe how forensics developed into a prominent field of study throughout time.
History of Forensics CLASS TASK: Read your provided excerpt out loud, which we will type into the notes With your neighbor, determine the chronological order of the excerpts as each class member reads Display this information as a timeline for homework OBJECTIVE: You will be able to describe how forensics developed into a prominent field of study throughout time.
Exit ticket 1. What does the field of forensics study? 2. How far back does the history of forensics go? 3. What, in your opinion, is the most important moment in the history of forensics? That is, what do you think changed the field the most? Explain your choice. OBJECTIVE: You will be able to describe how forensics developed into a prominent field of study throughout time.
DO NOW: 1. Name 3 contributions to the field of forensics as well as for what they are remembered. 2. Have hw (last page of syllabus and timeline) out on desk Thursday 2 February Topic: Anatomy of a Crime Scene HW: Complete crime scene sketch (make final draft according to requirements)– DUE MONDAY OBJECTIVE: You will be able to create an accurate representation of a crime scene
Class Activity You are called to a crime scene only to realize that your camera battery is dead so you can’t photograph the scene Your task is to create an accurate sketch of the scene by measuring where items are, as well as noting the placement of items that seem to be in places out of the ordinary OBJECTIVE: You will be able to create an accurate representation of a crime scene.
TASK: Create a rough sketch of the area, outlining placement of furniture and other large objects (use basic shapes instead of detailed sketches) Note placement of objects that seem suspicious or out of place Measure the distance between suspicious object and TWO other points in the area Put this information into the provided data table to create a final sketch – nice and neat and TO SCALE OBJECTIVE: You will be able to create an accurate representation of a crime scene.
DO NOW: 1. Why is it important to measure the distance of a suspicious object to multiple points throughout the crime scene? 2. What types of items would you include in a sketch? Friday 3 February Topic: Crime Scene Analysis evaluation AND weekly quiz HW: Read about types of evidence that can be collected/analyzed OBJECTIVE: You will be able to evaluate how well you analyzed a crime scene, and demonstrate your understanding of forensics background on a quiz
What did your team include in your sketch? ITEM INCLUDEDREASON WHY TextbooksGives a lot of context for the situation Clothing/GearOut of place Milk cratesWere out of place, thrown on the ground Agenda book on floorPotential suspect Front two tables movedDescribes what might have happened First two long tables knocked overShows you where the people moved OBJECTIVE: You will be able to evaluate how well you analyzed a crime scene, as well as demonstrate your understanding of the background of forensics on a quiz.
Final Sketch What are the 5 requirements? Neatly with black ink or marker on poster paper Drawn to scale Label north wall squares and circles to represent physical evidence lines to fixed points are proportionate (with measurements) OBJECTIVE: You will be able to evaluate how well you analyzed a crime scene, as well as demonstrate your understanding of the background of forensics on a quiz.
Quiz 1! History of Forensics and Triangulation Clear your desk of everything except a writing utensil You have the remainder of class to complete the quiz If you finish early, you may do one of the following silently: Read Start homework Nap Ponder the meaning of life