2 Churches of Christ ??? The Restoration Plea was for unity. But soon there was division. 1906 – Instrumental Music.


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Presentation transcript:

2 Churches of Christ ??? The Restoration Plea was for unity. But soon there was division – Instrumental Music

Today it is becoming clear: There are two churches of Christ View of the church Established by Christ Began in 1 st century Only one church, one body of Christ, One head is Christ The church is a small part of the restoration movement Established by Campbell, Stone, and others Includes all who seek to follow the Bible

Today it is becoming clear: There are two churches of Christ View of the Bible Verbally inspired Without error or flaw Is the final authority, our rule of faith and practice The Bible is the product of men There are flaws and contradicitons It is just a “love letter” but is not our rule book. We are under grace, not law.

Today it is becoming clear: There are two churches of Christ View of communion Bread and fruit of the vine In memory of Christ's body and blood Each 1 st day of the week Partake any day of the week Include with weddings and other occasions Make it part of a common fellowship meal

Today it is becoming clear: There are two churches of Christ View of music Vocal singing is commanded Make melody in your heart Teach and admonish one another Psalms, hymns, spiritual songs Use special music, solos, quartets, choirs Use praise teams Include applause Mix praise with entertainment Many are adding instrumental music

Today it is becoming clear: There are two churches of Christ View of worship Decently and in order 1 Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order. Reverent Solemn Emotional Hold hands Dim lights Entertainment Exciting

Today it is becoming clear: There are two churches of Christ View of mission of the church Glorify God Preach the Word Edify the saints Minister to the needy Teach the lost Treat the church like a social club Good for business Make contacts The social aspect is more important

Today it is becoming clear: There are two churches of Christ View of our relation to religious world Oppose denominations Seek unity based on the New Testament Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. Join local ministerial association Have joint activities (VBS, Thanksgiving, Christmas) Invite denominational preachers to speak

Today it is becoming clear: There are two churches of Christ View of women's role 1 Timothy 2:12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. We must respect the restrictions God has placed on men and women. Follow the demands of the feminist movement Have women preachers Women appointed as elders and deacons Women teach mixed adult class

Today it is becoming clear: There are two churches of Christ View of what it means to follow the old paths Jeremiah 6:16a Thus says the Lord: "Stand in the ways and see, And ask for the old paths, where the good way is Think outside the box We are free to do new things Restoration does not work Jeremiah 6:16b And walk in it; Then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, 'We will not walk in it.'

Today it is becoming clear: There are two churches of Christ View of baptism Mark 16:16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. Believe, Repent, Confess – required before baptism Baptism = burial in water for the remission of sins The mode of baptism (sprinkle, pour, or immersion) does not matter Accept anybody that claims any mode or purpose for baptism Accept those who received infant baptism

Today it is becoming clear: There are two churches of Christ There is a church still seeking to: Teach, worship, practice and obey the New Testament Preach to the lost, teach the plan of salvation There is another church seeking to: Change everything Ignore the Bible Follow the trends of the world Fellowship with the world

Romans 16: Greet one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ greet you. 17 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.