Our purpose Children’s Wheelchair Service West Sussex Ann Dyson: Service Manager
Children’s wheelchair service 9% of the total wheelchair caseload (10,287) 823 contacts (1 st April 2014 – 26 th March 2015) 58 cases of direct provision £264 - budget per head
Referrals Referrals (01/04/14 – 27/03/15) Triage and ‘behind the scenes’ work New referrals Re-referralsTotal Bognor Horsham Worthing Total
Responsive service ‘Chair in a day’ – requires context Sample = 30 referrals in January 2015 Average time between referral and assessment = 19 wds Outcomes
Preferred range Buggies Basic folding McLaren Major Elite Buggy Reclining folding buggyTendercare Swifty Tilting BuggyTendercare Snappi BugOrmesa Seating for Children Indoor Outdoor Use up to age 5Tendercare Snappi (Size 1) Indoor Outdoor Use over age 5Tendercare Snappi (Size 2) or Rea Azalea Minor Seating Systems R82 X Panda (with R82 chassis) or Active Design CAPSII Manual wheelchairs - children Folding TransitInvacare Action 3 Junior Ben9NG Folding SP (Self Propeller)Invacare Action 3 Junior Invacare Action 2NG/3NG Wheelbase to support Seating System or Special Seating Tilting Seating Chassis smallTendercare Snappi (Size 1) Tilting Seating Chassis largeSouthwest Seating Neo n Or Otto Bock Discovery For use with R82 XpandaR82 Combi or Multi-frame Powered wheelchairs – children Indoor outdoor powered wheelchairInvacare Spectra Blitz/Plus
Client centred service Wheelchair clinics in localities New Worthing clinic at the Queen Alexandra Hospital Home School clinics Mobile clinics - ‘man in a van’ concept
Wheelchair skills training
Procurement Purchase from a range of manufacturers and suppliers Economies of scale – lean pricing (minimum band 4) Consignment stock holding Product support and training for staff
Wheelchair maintenance contract Free repair and maintenance service: 8am – 11pm, 365 days of the year Contract being re-tendered this year? What do service users want from this contract? What are the most important elements? Activity (under 19s)April – Dec 2014 Repairs246 Collections131 Deliveries193 Emergencies (outside hrs)42
User experience Continual improvement cycle … 3 formal complaints Plaudits Friends & Family test School clinic questionnaire AJM Healthcare – customer satisfaction survey
Current initiatives Further Rehabilitation Engineer post being advertised for Bognor and Horsham New posts in Horsham Introduce a drop-in service for repairs, review and annual maintenance Paediatric wheelchair prescribers course for OTs and Physios