Let’s Review! How many letters are in the alphabet? What two kinds of letters make up the alphabet? Name the vowels. Letters that are not vowels are called ____.
Syllables All words are made up of parts, called syllables. Clap these words and tell me how many syllables you hear: napkin teacher hot holiday
What letter makes this sound? Review deck What letter makes this sound? voiced or unvoiced consonant or vowel?
Do you hear “k” at the beginning or end? Echo these words: kid king kept keep kind Do you hear “k” at the beginning or end?
Blends with “k”: skin skid skip skit
Can you think of more “k” words? _______________
How do we write “Kk”?
Let’s practice! Magic wand K k
Can you make a word? n i t d p s k c
Let’s Listen to the K Song!