Vison for life Seeing & Doing the Will of God
Doing the Will of God
EXAMPLE OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST His reason for being, Hebrew 10:7, His way of functioning John 5:19; 8:28; 12: His supreme example Luke 22:39-46 The summary of his whole life John 17:4-5, 19:30 and ours 1 Pet 4:2.... and ours 2 Tim 4:7
What is the will of God – our “calling”? The general call for all believers - living a “following Jesus” life A specific call on an individual life - fulfilling a specific vocation for Christ
THE GENERAL OR COMMON CHRISTIAN CALLING That all may be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth - 1 Tim 2 :3-6; For Fellowship with God – John 17:3 To become like Christ – Romans 8:29, Heb 2:14 that Christ should be the first among many brothers and sisters in the family of God,
God’s will for your life is … Resisting sin – 1Peter 4:2 (vs1-5) Holiness and purity – 1Thess 4:3 (vs1-8) Character development – 2 Peter 1:3-11 Respect for leadership, Holy Spirit empowerment, thanksgiving & prayer – 1Thess 5:18 (vs12-22) Giving and stewardship – 2 Cor. 8:5 (vs1-15 & 9:6-15) Submission to authorities and institutions – 1 Peter 2:15 (vs13-16) Avoid the corruptions of this world – 1 John 2:15-17 Experience and use spiritual gifts – 1 Cor. 12:4-11; Heb 2:4
How can I see God’s will for my life? Conscious effort and discovery – Eph 5:10,17 A knowledge and ability to be received from God – Col. 1:9-10; Phil. 2:12-13 In close cooperation with the Holy Spirit – Galatians 5:16-24 Self-sacrifice in body and internal transformation of the mind – Romans 12:1-2
Vocation – A Specific Calling God’s guidance and direction in an individual believer’s life, or the life of a particular local church;- Function, meaning the specific part you are to play in the Body of Christ, relates to gifts of the Spirit. “Career” – means of support, profession, trade, ministry. Geography, where are you to serve the Lord? Timing, When to start? When to stop? When to change places? Partnership, the question of who you should share life with, work with, spend significant time with?
Knowing God’s will for your life … AAAA single target, with everything else as second best? oooor multiple possibilities, with various routes to get to any one of them?
PPPPaths of equal opportunities and blessing … oooor one distinct way that you must get right?
NNNNo way out of dead-ends … oooor divine over-rulings ?
Some key principles God loves us, desires the best for us He trusts us to make decisions Having the right attitude of Christ as Lord matters more than the “small stuff” It matters more who you are with (Christ) than where you are. Think less of destinations and more of the journey When he makes something very clear … do it!
Ways of receiving guidance Reading studying and meditating on the Bible (Acts 1&2) Prayer (Acts 13:1-4) Common sense and consultation (Acts 15) Direct intervention of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8) Prophetic guidance Dreams/Visions Wisdom from a leader (Barnabus and Saul) Through the principle of mentorship (Paul & Timothy) Call or Decision of the local church
Two key dimensions …. A) Self Examination – You and God Look at your own gifting and match it with the calling What are your interests and passions? How do they appear with respect to the calling? How is your character and behaviour? Do they allow you to follow your calling? B) Public Examination – You, God and the church Consult your key mentors and advisors Consult your local church leaders Consult potential co-workers or others working in similar fields.
Doing the Will of God It matters more who you are with … than where you are!