Work Experience Week 2011 Monday 27 th June – Friday 1 st July Your user name & a secure PIN will be ed to your First Class account
Select student option
Enter your name and secure PIN
Select search to browse for job opportunities
Job opportunities are grouped together by type – select your area of interest
To see a job description select view
If this is a job you would like to be considered for you can ‘Add to selection’. The system will ask you to confirm your name & PIN. You should add six selections in total
Once you have made all six selections you should number them in order of preference The # column shows you how many students have selected that job Remember – if lots of people have chosen the same job as you, you may have to apply in writing or have an interview! So check the # column.
If you want to delete a choice select the green box marked ‘X’ Once you have numbered your choices and you are happy with your selections you can submit the information. Your account is now locked, you can view but not change selections.
Do not give anyone else access to your secure PIN All selections should be completed by Friday 1 st April 2011 Remember to look at how many other people have selected the same jobs as you Please make sure you are happy with all 6 selections as you could be placed in any one of them Once the process is complete you will receive an Agreement Form, this must be signed by you, your parent / guardian and the employer If the Agreement Form is not completed, signed by all parties and returned to the office you will not be allowed to take part in work experience week Check your First Class account on a regular basis, you can contact us by the address is Your Work Experience Diary should be updated and kept with you during work experience week More helpful information and quizzes can be found at: