Field of Health Psych Health Psychology
I. Field of Health
A. Patterns of Disease & Death Death due to Acute -> _________ Diseases 1900: Pneumonia Influenza Tuberculosis 1997: Heart disease Cancer Stroke
B. Escalating Medical Care Cost : ______% increase in medical care cost 1995: 13.6%+ of gross domestic product
C. Defining Health Absence of disease Acquisition of a positive state Movement in a positive direction
D. Health Models Biomedical model –Disease due to a ___________ –DFN: _____________ = outside agent/organism causing disease –Mechanistic model, disease can be cured Biopsychosocial model –Includes impact of bio, psych, & social factors
II. Psychology’s Involvement in Health
A. Psychology in Medical Settings Past: teach/consult re: clinical topics –e.g., ________________ Present: work with all medical staff re: clinical & medical topics –e.g., medication compliance, pain management
B. Psychosomatic Medicine Assumes physical illness rooted in psych & emotional _____________ From Freudian theory e.g., Certain unconscious _________ causes certain disease
C. Behavioral Medicine Focuses on role of behavior in health & illness Expanded focus on psychological factors Used for: –prevention- diagnosis –treatment- _____________
D. Behavioral Health Focuses on: –disease prevention –health enhancement (NOT diagnosis, treatment, or rehab) Focus on individual’s _________________
E. Health Psychology Scientific study of behaviors related to: –health enhancement –disease prevention –rehab Contributes to: –__________________ –behavioral medicine