Project A+ The Build Team: Jason Heathcott Joey Henkel Gerald King Drew Snider
Device Design Consists of: –Mouse trap –Plywood –Counterweights (i.e. golf balls) –Projectile (Tennis Ball) –Twine –Roller coaster (made out of poster board) –Marble (to initiate the mousetrap) The Design: –This system is made out of 3 pieces of plywood, two that are perpendicular to the base. –The Mouse trap is mounted on the side of one of the perpendicular pieces of plywood. –The roller coaster lays on the other piece of plywood where the marble starts on, rolls down and is launched up to initiate the mousetrap. –A tennis ball is located below the mousetrap so that the mousetrap impacts the tennis ball and sends it into motion. –The tennis ball is connected to multiple golf balls. –The golf balls fall due to the tennis ball pulling them, therefore lifting the weight through velocity and counter weighting the system
How it Works The marble sets off the mouse trap Mouse trap launches the tennis ball Tennis ball pulls down the counterweights Counterweights pull up the 1kg weight.
Making It Happen Creating a Frame Mounting the Mouse Trap Mounting the Roller coaster Assembling the counterweights
Conclusion Wood:$7.50 Professional mouse trap: $1.98 Sheet of poster board:$.50 Screws:$.75 Weights (golf balls):$5.00 Total costs:$15.73 Knowing that your project is the BEST : Priceless There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s EF 151.