Advancement Via Individual Determination: A Glimpse Into AVID Secondary National Conference 2015 Dr. Robin Withers Project Manager – Professional Learning Steve Elia Project Manager – Professional Learning
There Is No Gap With AVID 2 *Multi-racial was not classified by Greene and Forster (2003). AVID. (2015). AVID senior data collection: Study of 40,122 AVID seniors [Electronic database]. Greene, J. P., and Forster, G. (2003). Public high school graduation and college readiness rates in the United States (Report No. 3). New York, NY: Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. National data represents the most current comprehensive data available.
People Like Me Access video on MyAVID. 3
Discussion Who or what influenced you to go to college? 4
5 How does the AVID College Readiness System serve as a vehicle to increase student achievement and success in college, career and life? Essential Question
Our Mission, Aligned With You AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. 6
AVID AVID is a nonprofit organization that provides educators with proven, real-world strategies to accelerate the performance of underrepresented students so that these students and all students across the entire campus succeed in college, career, and life. 7
AVID Delivers Results AVID develops: Readers, writers, and critical thinkers Deep content knowledge Speaking and social skills Habits, skills, and behaviors important to success in college, career, and life: – Closing the achievement gap for students – Providing meaningful and impactful professional learning 8
Barriers to Higher Education Systemic – Teacher and school perceptions – Lack of academic preparation Personal – Family fears, including lack of college-going culture – Negative peer group influence Financial – Lack of resources 9
Knocking Down Barriers Systemic – Professional learning for staff includes: Cross-cultural education Tools to increase rigor in coursework Personal – AVID provides positive peer group influence and impacts broader social skills. – Family support for student to stay in school increases. Financial – Application and scholarship process is a critical component. – Hope is fostered, and personal achievement is supported and cultivated. 10
Key Components of AVID Proven educational strategies provided for in-classroom use with traditionally underrepresented students in four-year colleges (AVID secondary: The AVID Elective & AVID Schoolwide) Professional staff development and leadership training 11
AVID Secondary AVID Elective: initial implementation – Focused attention is given to targeted students through an AVID Elective class. AVID Schoolwide – AVID strategies (WICOR) are implemented in all classrooms across the campus. 12
AVID Secondary AVID Elective: initial implementation – Focused attention is given to targeted students through an AVID Elective class. AVID Schoolwide – AVID strategies (WICOR) are implemented in all classrooms across the campus. 13
AVID Elective: Student Profile First in family to attend college Average-to-high test scores Academic middle, with GPA of 2.0–3.0 College potential, with support from AVID strategies Individual desire and determination 14
AVID Secondary 15 AVID. (2015). AVID secondary data collection: Study of 427,605 AVID secondary students [Electronic database].
AVID Senior Demographics 16 Most current data available. Due to rounding, percentages may not add up to 100%. U.S. high school senior population is approximately 3.2 million. AVID. (2012). AVID senior data collection: Study of 32,987 AVID seniors [Electronic Database]. U.S. Census Bureau (2012). Current Population Survey Data on School Enrollment. CPS October 2012 – Detailed Tables [Data File, Table 7]. Retrieved from
AVID Senior Demographics 17 Most current data available. U.S. high school senior population is approximately 3.2 million. AVID. (2012). AVID senior data collection: Study of 32,987 AVID seniors [Electronic Database]. National Bureau of Economic Research (2012). Current Population Survey Supplement Files [Data File, Oct 2012]. Retrieved from
AVID Senior Demographics 18 Most current data available. AVID. (2012). AVID senior data collection: Study of 32,987 AVID seniors [Electronic Database].
A Sample Week in the AVID Elective Daily or Block Schedule MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Binder Evaluation Field Trips Media Center Speakers Motivational Activities (within block) AVID CurriculumTutorialsAVID CurriculumTutorials Combination for Block Schedule Combination for Block Schedule 19 The integration of the AVID Elective and advanced courses into the master schedule is critical.
A Sample Week in the AVID Elective Tutorials – Collaborative Study Groups – Writing Groups – Socratic Seminars Curriculum – Middle Level Writing or High School Writing – AVID College and Careers – AVID Critical Thinking and Engagement – Critical Reading 20
Energizer – Math Hands
AVID Secondary AVID Elective: initial implementation – Focused attention is given to targeted students through an AVID Elective class. AVID Schoolwide – AVID strategies (WICOR) are implemented in all classrooms across the campus. 22
Provides the college-readiness skills necessary to succeed in rigorous courses with learning strategies in five core areas WICOR
What Is Academic Rigor? AVID defines rigor as using inquiry-based, collaborative strategies to challenge and engage students in content, resulting in increasingly complex levels of understanding.
WICOR: WICOR: Why Write? Writing is: A learning tool A personal and public communication tool A record of thinking
WICOR Students who write: Consider audience and purpose Engage in various writing processes to address specific situations Support their thinking Demonstrate understanding
WICOR Writing PROCESS Pre-write Draft Reader response Revise Edit Publish and reflect WRITING TO LEARN Cornell note-taking Quickwrites and reflections Learning logs Peer evaluation Authentic writing
Inquiry is: Uncovering one’s understanding Asking critical questions Engaging in thinking, learning, and discussion WICOR: Why Inquire?
Students who inquire: Analyze and synthesize materials or ideas Clarify their own thinking Probe others’ thinking Work through ambiguity WICOR
Inquiry Skilled questioning Costa’s Levels of Thinking Socratic Seminars Tutorials/Collaborative Study Groups Investigations Guiding questions WICOR
Collaboration is: Teamwork with shared responsibility Sharing of ideas, information, and opinions Formal and informal discussion WICOR: Why Collaborate?
Students who collaborate: Work together toward a common goal Develop positive interdependence Work in focused study groups Support the learning of others through inquiry WICOR
Collaboration Socratic Seminars Philosophical Chairs Group activities and projects Peer editing groups Tutorials Collaborative study groups Service learning projects WICOR
Organization is: Managing materials and practicing study habits Planning and prioritizing school, work, and social tasks Engaging in mental preparation and goal-setting Strategically and intentionally taking responsibility for one’s own learning WICOR: Why Organize?
Students who organize: Develop and use processes, procedures, and tools to study effectively Manage their time through prioritizing and goal-setting Are prepared for courses, participate during instruction, and interact with instructors Self-direct, self-evaluate, self-monitor, and self-advocate WICOR
Organization TOOLS Binders/eBinders Calendars, planners, agendas Graphic organizers METHODS Focused note-taking system Tutorials and study groups Project planning and SMART goals
Reading is: Strategically gaining meaning, understanding, and knowledge from print and other media Purpose-driven Interactive WICOR: Why Read?
Students who read: Understand text structures Apply prior knowledge and make connections to other texts, self, and the world Make predictions and ask questions Create visual images as they read WICOR
Reading Deep reading strategies Note-taking Graphic organizers Vocabulary building Summarizing Reciprocal teaching WICOR
How Implementation Happens Roles: The District Director The AVID Coordinator The AVID Elective teacher The AVID Site Team Professional Learning & Support: Summer Institute Path to Schoolwide AVID District Leadership Leadership for College Readiness The certification process AVID Curriculum 40
AVID Delivers Results AVID develops: Readers, writers, and critical thinkers Deep content knowledge Speaking and social skills Habits, skills, and behaviors important to success in college, career, and life: – Closing the achievement gap for students – Providing meaningful and impactful professional learning 41
2015 AVID Elective Seniors 92% plan to enroll in a college or university: 61% plan to enroll in a four-year university. 31% plan to enroll in a two-year college. 42 AVID. (2015). AVID senior data collection: Study of 40,122 AVID seniors [Electronic database].
AVID Students Enroll in College 43 Data represents the most current data available. The high school senior population size for the U.S. is an approximation. AVID. (2012). AVID senior data collection: Study of 32,987 AVID seniors [Electronic database]. U.S. Census Bureau. (2012). Current population survey data on school enrollment. CPS October 2012 – Detailed Tables [Data file, Table 7]. Retrieved from
Data represents the most current data available. Due to rounding, percentages may not add up to the exact cumulative percentages. The U.S. high school senior counts are approximations. AVID. (2012). AVID senior data collection: Study of 32,987 AVID seniors [Electronic database]. U.S. Census Bureau. (2012). Current Population Survey data on school enrollment. CPS October 2012 – Detailed Tables [Data file, Table 7]. Retrieved from AVID Students Enroll in College 44 AVID Two-Year AVID Four-Year U.S Two-Year U.S. Four-Year
AVID Students Enroll in College 45 AVID Two-Year AVID Four-Year U.S Two-Year U.S. Four-Year Data represents the most current data available. The high school senior population size for the U.S. is an approximation. AVID. (2012). AVID senior data collection: Study of 32,987 AVID seniors [Electronic database]. National Bureau of Economic Research. (2012). Current Population Survey supplement files [Data file]. Retrieved from
AVID Students Enroll in College 46 Most current data available. AVID. (2012). AVID senior data collection: Study of 32,987 AVID seniors [Electronic Database].
All Students Persist 47 *Persistence is when a student enrolls in college after high school and continues to enroll in ANY college. Data represents the most current data available. AVID. (2012). AVID senior data collection: Study of 32,987 AVID seniors [Electronic database].
48 How does the AVID College Readiness System serve as a vehicle to increase student achievement and success in college, career and life?. My next step will be to _______________ in order to __________________. Essential Question
Dr. Robin Withers Project Manager – Professional Learning Steve Elia Project Manager – Professional Learning Contact Information