F1 Computer Lesson. Agenda Dictation Correction English Typing English Typing Test.


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Presentation transcript:

F1 Computer Lesson

Agenda Dictation Correction English Typing English Typing Test

Dictation Information 資訊 Storage Device 存貯設備 Data 數據 Folder 資料夾 Save 儲存 Create 建立 Recycle Bin 資源回收筒

Dictation Program 程序 Command 指令 Copy 複製 Directory 目錄 Move 移動 Search 搜尋 Shortcut Key 快速鍵

English Typing Keyboard Typing method

US-Keyboard (101 keys)

Typing methods Keyboard - lesson one Typing Test st.shtml st.shtml

Exercise Book Page 52 Activity 3 Upload it to Student Aerodrive Submit  Computer  73 Lau Wai Mei  1D  Filename: classnumber+name.doc eg. 20Kwongwaibun.doc