Typical input devices. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
KEYBOARD The most common input device is te keyboard. A digital code is sent to the computer when each key is pressed. Keyboards play a pivotal role in the input of data into the computer. Their design is of critical importance for the comfort and usability, since users may spend long periods of time entering data.
TOUCH-SENSITIVE SCREEN This pointing device lets you interact with the computer by touching the screen. The pointer is the human finger. There are three forms of touching the screen: pressure-sensitive, captive surface and light beam. These screens are used in bank ATM machines, for an example. They allow you to preform actions on your bank account.
LIGHT PEN This is shapes like a pen and is connected to a VBU/ monitor. It allows you to point and make selections more accurately on the screen. The tip of the light pen contains a light sensitive element which, when placed against the screen, detects the light from the screen and enables the computer to identify the location of the pen on te screen.
MOUSE There are four types of mouse: The optical mouse can slide over most surfaces sine it does not have a ball. It emits a small beam of red light which bounces of the surface into the sensor. The trackball mouse has a large ball on top rather than the underneath. You can roll the ball with the palm of your hand or fingers. The pointing stick mouse found in laptop computers looks like a pencil eraser. It protrudes from the keyboard between the B, G and H keys. The touch pad mouse contains a touch sensitive pad which is mostly found on a laptop.
JOYSTICK A joystick is a pointing device which enables the user to control the movement of the object on the screen by operating a small lever. It is mainly used in computer games.
GAMING PAD His gaming devise enables the user to move an object on the screen by pressing or moving sticks. It is held with both hands.
GAMING WHEEL This device is a steering wheel which simulates driving by the turning of the wheel. Pedals are also used with this device to simulate the acceleration and braking system of a car.
LIGHT GUN This device uses is a pointing device with a sensor that detects a light emitting from the screen.
DANCING PADS This device also known as a ‘ dance mat ‘ or ‘ dance platform ‘ contains a matrix of square panel sensors that a player sets on while following directions from the game.
THE END Done by: Amaya Sookram