SCREEN 1 LOADING SCREEN LOADING screen appears after LOGO SCREEN The DISCLAIMER will be viewed as a Pop- up on next screen. Blue DNA strands rotate in background. (INCLUDE ON SCREENS 1-4)
SCREEN 2. (after loading complete) “Continue Saved” takes user to screen with list like this: 1.Man’s Name Date Created 2.Man’s Name Date Created Pop-Up with disclaimer about this being “for entertainment purposes only” appears at start of this screen
SCREEN 3 UPLOAD IMAGES POP-UP Upload images and/or click “continue” to move on. First step is to type in Mom’s name, then type in Baby’s name. Next step is to upload photos. User may skip the photo upload if he or she chooses. After upload, users will be asked to drag and drop a “target” over the eyes, nose, and mouth to center photo. This will be used to aid facial recognition.
SCREEN 4 UPLOAD IMAGES POP-UP Upload images and/or click “continue” to move on. This page asks for father’s name when “TAKE NEW” OR “CHOOSE EXISTING” is clicked. Next step is to upload photos. User may skip the photo upload if he or she chooses. Upload more daddies by clicking “MORE DADS.”
Now for the questions. There will be a brief explanation of how this section works. Then the questions. Not sure yet about look, feel, sounds. There will be multiple-choice questions, one per screen. SCREEN 5 QUESTIONS
SCREEN 6 UPLOAD IMAGES Program will a form letter to the dad, including a URL of the results animation. SEND URL: A URL of the results screen can be sent to user (via or text) for use on blogs, etc.
SCREEN 7 FACIAL RECOGNITION IN PROGRESS SCREEN This screen will have some sort of animation that depicts the program working to compare the photos and come up with the best match. Not sure what it will look like, exactly.
Not sure yet what this screen will look and sound like. Perhaps one of the below ideas will be chosen based on Q&A, or at random. IDEAS: 1.Make cartoon of dad holding diaper bag, baby, bottle, etc. Uses dad’s image on the cartoon. 2.Photo of Daddy pops up with baby bonnet and pacifier superimposed on his image. 3.Cartoon daddy with photo image for head jumps for joy and hugs or kisses baby. 4.? Maybe just the uploaded images, as depicted here on the iPhone screen. 5.If we can get Maury involved, we’d have him saying, “You ARE the father!” Not sure yet what this screen will look and sound like. Perhaps one of the below ideas will be chosen based on Q&A, or at random. IDEAS: 1.Make cartoon of dad holding diaper bag, baby, bottle, etc. Uses dad’s image on the cartoon. 2.Photo of Daddy pops up with baby bonnet and pacifier superimposed on his image. 3.Cartoon daddy with photo image for head jumps for joy and hugs or kisses baby. 4.? Maybe just the uploaded images, as depicted here on the iPhone screen. 5.If we can get Maury involved, we’d have him saying, “You ARE the father!” SCREEN 8 RESULTS
BabyMaker Finally, I would like to eventually be able to do an UPDATE (or a separate app?) that will allow the user to input photos of mother and father, and the app will combine the photos to determine what the baby will look like.