Today we will learn: Daily TEKS Objectives January 24, 2014
3.9A The student will describe the basic structure of government in the local community, state, and nation.
3.9B The student will identify local, state, and national government officials and explain how they are chosen.
3.11C The student will identify and explain the importance of individual acts of civic responsibility, including obeying laws, serving the community, serving on a jury, and voting.
3.2A The student will use ideas to make and confirm predictions.
3.2B The student will ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and support answers with evidence from text. (Supporting) (Reporting Category 2)
3.2C The student will establish purpose for reading selected texts and monitor comprehension, making corrections and adjustments when that understanding breaks down.
3.4B The student will use context to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or distinguish among multiple meaning words and homographs. (Readiness) (Reporting Category 1)
3.4C The student will identify and use antonyms, synonyms, homographs, and homophones. (Supporting) (Reporting Category 1)
3.4E The student will alphabetize a series of words to the third letter and use a dictionary or a glossary to determine the meanings, syllabication, and pronunciation of unknown words.
3.13D The student will use text features to locate information and make and verify predictions about contents of text. (Readiness) (Reporting Category 3).
3.15B The student will locate and use specific information in graphic features of text. (Supporting) (Reporting Category 3)
3.24C The student will spell high-frequency and compound words from a commonly used list.
Fig. 19A The student will establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon own or others’ desired outcome to enhance comprehension.
Fig. 19B The student will ask literal, interpretive, and evaluative questions of text.
Fig. 19C The student will monitor and adjust comprehension (using background knowledge, creating sensory images, rereading a portion aloud, generating questions).
Fig. 19D – Reporting Category 2 -The student will make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding (Readiness) – Fiction.
Fig. 19D – Reporting Category 2 -The student will make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding (Supporting) – Literary Nonfiction, Poetry.
Fig. 19D – Reporting Category 3 - The student will make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding (Readiness).
Fig. 19E – Reporting Category 2 - The student will summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order (Readiness) – Fiction.
Fig. 19E – Reporting Category 2 - The student will summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order (Supporting) – Literary Nonfiction, Poetry.
Fig. 19E – Reporting Category 3 - The student will summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order (Readiness).
Fig. 19F The student will make connections between literary and informational texts with similar ideas and provide textual evidence.