Bell Work Walk Two Moons Week 4
December 2.1 dissuade v. to persuade someone not to perform an action infinitely adv. endlessly mill v. to move around as a group without apparent purpose ogle v. to look at with desire quizzical adj. questioning; puzzled
December 2.2 roster n. a list of names Omnipotent- adj- possessing complete, unlimited, or universal power and authority accumulate- v- to collect or obtain a large amount of something over a period of time agitate- v- make somebody anxious, nervous, or disturbed ambush- n- a surprise attack
December 3.1 Finish the following analogies: _____ : list :: talk : speak _____ : attack :: baseball : football _____ : calm :: angry : happy
December 3.2 Use the following words in a sentence. Go for seven words per sentence. Dissuade Infinitely Mill
December 4.1 Use the following words in a sentence. Go for seven words per sentence. Ogle Quizzical Omnipotent
December 4.2 Illustrate the following: Accumulate Roster Ambush
December 5.1 Use the following words in a paragraph. Go for five sentences and seven words per sentence. Dissuade Infinitely Mill Ogle Quizzical
December 5.2 List items that can accumulate. See if you can come up twenty (20) items.
December 6.1 How are the following the same? Different? Accumulate Omnipotent
December 6.2 Study for the vocabulary quiz!