Developing Local Capacity for Supportive Housing: The Columbus Experience Barbara Poppe Executive Director Community Shelter Board Presented.


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Presentation transcript:

Developing Local Capacity for Supportive Housing: The Columbus Experience Barbara Poppe Executive Director Community Shelter Board Presented at the 2009 Conference on Homelessness, Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County February 6, 2009

Who is CSB?

Community Shelter Board Created in 1986 to respond to growing needs of homelessness in Franklin County "It is unacceptable for anyone in our community to go without food or shelter for even one night." Mel Schottenstein, CSB Founder

CSB’s Founders Public/Private Partnership: –City of Columbus –Franklin County Commissioners –United Way of Central Ohio –Columbus Chamber –Metropolitan Area Church Council –ADAMH Board –The Columbus Foundation –Leo Yassenoff Foundation

Homeless in Franklin County 7,500+ men, women and children

What is Rebuilding Lives?

A New Strategy – 1998 Short-term needs – ensure basic emergency shelter during a crisis Long-term needs – establish permanent housing with supportive services

A New Strategy – 1998 Develop 800 units of supportive housing Establish a Funder Collaborative Create Good Neighbor Policies and Procedures Institute a community relations plan

Permanent supportive housing

Rebuilding Lives Funder Collaborative Provide funding for capital, services and operations of supportive housing Strategy Program guidelines & standards Underwriting criteria Program evaluation, outcome measurement & reporting requirements

Rebuilding Lives Funder Collaborative Members Affordable Housing Trust of Cols/Franklin Co. ADAMH Board City of Columbus, Administration Columbus City Council The Columbus Foundation Columbus Health Department Columbus Mayor’s Office Columbus Medical Assoc. Found. Columbus Metro. Housing Authority Community Shelter Board Corporation for Supportive Housing Franklin County Administration Franklin County Children Services Franklin Co. Dept. Job & Family Services Franklin Co. Office on Aging Franklin County MR/DD Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing Osteopathic Heritage Foundations United Way of Central Ohio Veterans Service Commission

What are the results?

Permanent supportive housing Total of 1,292 in virtually every ZIP code

Columbus’ Report Card PSH programs successfully target heavy shelter users PSH programs reduce demand for shelter by at least 5% per year PSH reduces shelter use by 35 days per placement

Columbus’ Report Card PSH residents have much less subsequent admission to shelters 70% of residents either retain housing or exit to successful housing placement over a 5-year period – only 9% return to homelessness

Columbus’ Report Card Average cost of $33/day is much lower than institutional care – cost per unit varies widely by program Federal source provide 58% of total operating & services funding for Rebuilding Lives programs; CSB provides 19%; the State of Ohio only 2%

What has contributed to success?

Keys to project success Success due to tremendous partnership –Between funders, providers, and neighbors Project development: –Good Neighbor Agreements –Diverse locations –Strong political and business community support –Strong developers and providers

Keys to project success Funding –Board, system and funder support and consistent leadership –Availability of local and federal funding –Creativity in securing funding sources Housing First program model –Low-demand housing and voluntary services

What impact has occurred? New investment from key stakeholders - City, County, ADAMH, CMHA, United Way Broad range of implementing agencies (board and staff) are informed and on board High level of media attention and focus

What impact has occurred? Pressure for public policy action and investment Real Estate Transfer Fee –$6.5 million annually for homeless services & affordable housing

How is public will sustained?

What ‘hooks’ have kept political, business & community leadership invested? “Caring community – moral foundation” Partnership approach Media coverage – generate positive and manage the negative

Results -- the plan did not sit on the shelf – it actually was implemented Broad & diverse investment Consistent, quality communication – “Care & Feeding” of leadership

How have new leaders been engaged? Immediate one-on-one briefings Tours Establish relationship with staff Use CSB trustees and their government affairs staff

What are the opportunities? Recognition of leaders Ongoing engagement of champions National model

What’s next?


Rebuilding Lives Access Making sure community resources are available to prevent or end homelessness [Strategy] Access to benefits & health care

Rebuilding Lives Crisis response Preventing and resolving housing crises as quickly as possible [Strategy] Single point of access to emergency shelter for adults

Rebuilding Lives Transition Guiding exits from homelessness to stable housing [Strategy] Develop 1,400 more supportive housing units

Rebuilding Lives Advocacy Leveraging public policy to work toward ending homelessness [Strategy] Launch a campaign for increased resources for housing & rent subsidies

One family, under one roof Latrell Clark


community shelter board 111 liberty street, suite 150 columbus, ohio