Pseudopotentials & TDDFT calculation UNIST Dongbin Shin
Why pseudopotentials? To minimize the size of plane wave basis : valence state are smoother than core state, pseudized valence wave function are nodeless To reduce number of electron in system
Generating Pseudopotential
Norm-conserving pseudopotentials
Pseudopotential - Local Part
Separable Kleinman-Bylander form for NLpp
Separable Kleinman-Bylander form for NLpp
Ultrasoft pseudopotentials
ylmr2.f90 Spherical harmonics
Initial pseudopotential init_us_1.f90 Initial pseudopotential
init_us_2.f90 Beta term in G space
realus.f90 Beta term in real space
Solve nonlocal potentials add_vuspsi.f90 Solve nonlocal potentials
Suzuki-Trotter type split-operator
TD-DFT pseudopotential theory