Thoracic Surgery 08/10/14 – 08/16/14 Christine Zoon
ATTD/RESDATEPATIENTINDICATIONPROCEDURE Shah/Zoon 8/11 Paraesophageal hernia Laparoscopic paraesophageal hernia repair, Nissen Shah/Maloney 8/11 Foreign body in esophagus Rigid esophagoscopy, removal of foreign body Shah/Zoon8/11 Chronic aspirationOpen gastrostomy tube Cassano/Zoon 8/12 RUL lung adenocarcinoma Right upper lobectomy Cassano/Zoon 8/12 Exposure for anterior spine fusion Thoracotomy, rib resection Nicolato/Zoon8/12 Bronchopleural fistula Redo left thoracotomy, bullectomy, pleurodesis Shah/Zoon 8/13 Achalasia Robotic Heller myotomy, Dor fundoplication
ATTD/RESDATEPATIENTINDICATIONPROCEDURE Shah/Zoon 8/13 Right malignant effusion Right VATs Shah/Zoon 8/14 Esophageal perforation EGD, laparoscopic drainage of mediastinal leak, esophageal stent, PEG, left chest tube Cassano/Zoon8/15 RUL mass R VATs, RUL wedge resection
Complications Attending/ Resident DATEPATIENTDx/PROCEDURECOMPLICATION Shah/Zoon8/13 R VATs Atrial fibrillation, hypotension, transfer to ICU