1 DISASTER MANAGEMENT Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Provincial and Local Government 11 March 2003 (Mr LJ Buys)
2 Structure of the Presentation Achievements Comparative Budget Table and Graph Required Outcomes to be Achieved Outputs / Deliverables in 2003/4 Projected Outputs for Outer Two Years of MTEF
3 Achievements in 2002/03 Overall Disaster Management Policy The Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002) – promulgated on 15 January Disaster Management Framework – being developed by a Task Team of specialists – to be completed early in 2003/04.
4 Achievements in 2002/03 Capacity Building Programmes Basic training project completed in December 2002 [North West, Northern Cape, Western Cape, Free State and Gauteng Provinces, participated]. Target groups – volunteers, councillors and disaster functionaries. 358 people completed the course.
5 Achievements in 2002/03 Development of an Integrated Intergovernmental Relations Disaster Management System Early Warning System on fires completed, providing a calibrated fire danger rating index for specific parts of the country. Synops Data Collection Project completed, informing the database supporting the above-mentioned early warning system on fires.
6 Achievements in 2002/03 Vulnerability assessments continuing, assisting municipalities to identify specific vulnerable infrastructure and communities. Website completed.
7 Achievements in 2002/03 Contact Database completed, enabling easy access to all disaster management role players. Security System completed, ensuring integrity of database. Automated Incident Reporting System completed. Above-mentioned projects introduced to provincial, district and metropolitan Disaster Managers by end of November 2002.
8 Achievements in 2002/03 Interdepartmental Disaster Management Committee (IDMC). Comprises all relevant role players and met regularly to deal with disaster management related issues.
9 Achievements in 2002/03 Working Groups for specific disasters. Functioning well and assisting the NDMC in developing guidelines/regulations. Separate forum (PDMC) established for the nine provinces – functioning well.
10 Achievements in 2002/03 Draft SADC Disaster Response Operations Manual. Approved by the SADC workshop – August SADC Secretariat will submit Manual to the SADC Council of Ministers for approval.
11 Achievements in 2002/03 Working on Fire Project: R10,5m transferred from DWAF to DPLG in October Results of preventative measures taken since transfer of funding are clearly visible e.g. Western Cape.
12 Comparative Budget Allocations (R’000) 2002/ / / /06 Operational Budget 6,210 13,317 15,575 16, Chief Director Disaster Policy and Coordination 1,776 2,760 2,969 3, Disaster Intervention and Support 3,799 9,767 11,760 12, Working on Fire 10,500
13 Comparative Budget Allocations (R’000) Additional amount to be utilised as follows: Development of a national framework. Development of disaster management public awareness programmes. Training material for capacity building. Development of the National Disaster Management Information System. Development of a national web-based application for a vulnerability analysis and contingency plans.
14 Required Outcomes to be Achieved To ensure that disaster management policy and strategies are included in sustainable development programmes. To ensure that comprehensive disaster management response plans are in place re challenges facing our country.
15 Outputs/Deliverables in 2003/04 (1)Implementation of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 Assessment of existing capacities of provinces and municipalities. Categorisation of sections of Disaster Management Act, 2002 for implementation during 2003/4 and 2004/5.
16 Outputs/Deliverables in 2003/04 Establishment of the Intergovernmental Committee on Disaster Management (ICDM) – Section4(1). Establishment of the National Disaster Management Advisory Forum (NDMAF) -Section 5(1). Disaster Management Framework -Sections 6 and 7.
17 Outputs/Deliverables in 2003/04 Disaster Management Training policy for formal and informal training – Sections 7(2)(g) and 15(1)(h). Disaster Management public awareness programmes – Section 15(1)(h). Recommendations for funding mechanisms - Sections 15(1)(e) and 56(3).
18 Outputs/Deliverables in 2003/04 Establish an Integrated Information and Technology System Early Warning System (EWS) for floods and fires. Vulnerability Atlas – focus on rural development nodes. Guidelines for integration of disaster management IT systems in all spheres of government. Develop disaster management guidelines, plans and strategies
19 Outputs/Deliverables in 2003/04 Strengthen liaison mechanisms with NGOs, SADC and international forums: Participation in SADC structures. Coordination of RSA response to SADC regional disasters.
20 Outputs/Deliverables in 2003/04 (2)Other Legislation Management of the Working on Fire Project (WoF): Development of EWS to prevent/mitigate consequences of veld and forest fires. Development of standing working procedures for the application of aircraft.
21 Outputs/Deliverables in 2003/04 Establishment of the re-structured Fire Brigade Board: Obtain nominations for members to serve on the Board and submit for formal appointment by the Minister – Section 2 of the Fire Brigade Services Act, 1987, as amended.
22 Projected Outputs for Outer Two Years of MTEF (2004/05) Fully implement the Disaster Management Framework. Monitor performance of inter-governmental structures in disaster management. Implement and maintain Standing Working Procedures.