PEOPLE ARE MORE RECEPTIVE WHEN OUTSIDE THE HOME Location is the crucial element to people being receptive to advertising Location 164 Mood 127 Content genre 121 Need state 97 Device 61 Time of day 30 Indicators of receptivityReceptivity by location PUBLIC PLACE SCHOOL or WORK HOME (Indexed, so average importance = 100) Source: YuMe Pursuit of Attention study.. N7,000+3,651 Receptivity Is defined as a passive state of mind that exists before exposure to an ad, and has an array of influencers that affect how open consumers are to advertising, with Location being the highest. (Indexed, so average importance = 100)
Online and Out-of-Home (OOH) only media increasing in consumption % % -6.6% +1.2% Time spent consuming media Total 59.6 Online Total Traditional* OOH Minutes per day TIME SPENT WITH OUT-OF-HOME GROWING Source: ZenithOptimedia study on global media consumption across 65 countries May Change *Between 2010 and 2014 the average time spent reading newspapers fell by 25.6%, while time spent reading magazines fell 19.0%. Television consumption fell by 6.0%. Note: these figures represent traditional forms of usage and exclude online consumption of their brand extensions.Any time spent with online brand extensions is included in online. Out-of-Home is also part of Total Traditional. Forecasted change in time per annum between Total % Online % OOH % Television % Magazines % Newspapers %
CONSUMER ATTENTION SPANS DECREASING Get to the point and maximise the impact of a glance Source: Microsoft Canada, consumer study of attention spans 2015, n=2,000 quantitative and n=112 neuroscience 12 seconds 12 seconds The average human attention span in seconds 8 seconds The average human attention span in seconds 9 seconds The average attention span of a GOLDFISH TYPES OF ATTENTION: Sustained Prolonged focus Maintaining prolonged focus during repetitive tasks. Selective Avoiding distraction Maintaining response in the face of distracting or competing stimuli. Alternating Efficiently switching between tasks Shifting attention between tasks demanding different cognitive skills. FINDINGS IN SHORT: Digital lifestyles affect the ability to remain focused for extended periods of time. What consumers can see in one glance has everything to do with what they’ll do next. People with more digital lifestyles are better at simultaneously processing information from different sources. IN ACTION: Get your message across, right out of the gate. Get to the point. Be different. Stand out and challenge the norm. Continue OOH experiences on to or from mobile devices. Be interactive.