oil By Raevon butler Raevon Butler
How it works A simple way oil is used everyday is in cars Oil is used when burned to power most of the things we use today Raevon Butler
Is it renewable or nonrenewable Oil is really nonrenewable Takes millions of years to be renewed The time it takes to renew it makes its impossible to renew in a reasonable amount of time. Raevon Butler
Cost to build Oil cost is dollors a barrol and that’s just to keep up to supply and demand The average cost of gas (oil) in the mid west is 3.44 Raevon Butler
Positive aspects You can use oil day and night without stop unlike solar and wind power No new technology needed to use it Oil is cleaner and easier to burn than coal A extremely powerful energy source when burned Is relatively stable Raevon Butler
Negative aspects Oil isn’t clean and can’t be recycle An oil spill is a massive environmental disaster It is getting harder everyday to find oil and more expensive Is running out even though being found every year the amount doesn’t equal level of whats being used Raevon Butler
Negative aspects Causes particles that damage the world causes global warming Raevon Butler
wastes The impact oil has starts from the drilling, moving it and containing it You have to use oil to get oil. It puts co2 in the air and causes global warming Raevon Butler
Who uses the most oil/where to get it Raevon Butler
Ideal location in america There is no real ideal location in the U.S for oil that is why we go to other countries for it. Raevon Butler
Is it available Oil is something that is getting very hard to find and shouldn’t be in everyone's back yard. Oil is mainly found for the average person at a gas station. Raevon Butler