Moving Learning Forward at Carver High School MOVE Learning Forward Foundation + Carver High School What will we accomplish together?
MOVE Learning Forward Foundation Mission: to provide support for thought leadership and learning opportunities that transform education in America Set up a strategic well-planned partnership with Carver to foster innovation and promote opportunities for student learning and academic success. Work to narrow achievement gaps that exist between subgroups Use current and confirmed research ideas and validate through rigorous external measures Promote student-centered learning and effective technology integration with district and state support
Carver High School Goal: to create higher levels of learning for students to give them greater opportunities to succeed in the 21 st Century workforce Carver has shown growth (EVAAS) in all tested areas over the past 3 years Proficiency levels are 50.9 Carver has met 100% of AYP targets in Carver staff desire to find new and innovative ways to motivate student learning and help set attainable goals for their future There is a need for technology necessary to train 21 st Century learners at Carver
The Partnership So Far… Carver has identified three Biology teachers and two English II teachers to run the program for its effectiveness. Three Algebra teachers have also been chosen to pilot the program. These teachers, as well as the Curriculum Coordinator and the three district coaches in each subject have started training with the Compass Odyssey staff – 2 trainings MOVE Learning Forward has provided a site license for Carver with the Compass Learning software
The district has agreed to support the partnership through the purchase of classroom solutions and laptop carts for each of the Biology and English II teachers. (ETA – 3-4 weeks) Students are working a minimum of 90 minutes a week on the program The research goal is to see 65% of Carver students score at or above the state average on the EOC by June The site license will allow additional teachers to use the program in the computer labs as they are trained The Partnership so Far…
The Partnership in the Future… Currently trained teachers will be given instruction on setting up pre tests and post tests with individual training modules in between to monitor student growth Biology and English 2 teachers will be able to provide 1:1 computer training with students in their classrooms and increase computer activities
The Partnership in the Future… Report training will occur in November and Renzulli training in January Teacher Leaders will be developed as targeted teachers are set up to train other interested Carver teachers in the program Students will develop ownership with the program and enrich their learning in multiple areas with its use