EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant Migrating Desktop Uniform Access to the Grid Marcin Płóciennik Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center Poznan GRIDKA 2009
EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant Outline General idea User’s perspective: Migrating Desktop functional overview Supported infrastructures and applications Developer’s perspective: Plug-ins: how to add your application Product timeline and plans Demo
EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant General Idea Intuitive user’s working environment Independence of a hardware platform and the operating system Advanced user-friendly Java application based on web services A flexible personalised environment available independently of the user location Easily extendible framework Strong support for grid applications Uniform Access to the Grid
EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant User’s perspective Supported features: - Single sign-on (x.509 certificates, VOMS extensions) - Running sequential and parallel applications (OpenMPI support) - Batch and Interactive jobs support (gLogin supported) - Advanced remote visualisation and applications real time steering (gVid) - Visualisation of partial results while job is running Built-in tools: Grid Commander, Job Wizard, Job Monitoring, Profile Manager, Application Containers,VNC/ssh consoles Bug tracking system(based on JIRA) - User guide and tutorials -
EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant Grid Commander I ntuitive file manager Easy access to resources Transparent support for various protocols (ftp, sftp gridFTP, LFC, srm 2.2, UNICORE) Built-in file viewers and editors Plug-in based
EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant Job Wizard Intuitive and easy defining of jobs Plug-in based: - jar’s downloaded on the fly from network - Plugin controlled by VO’s
EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant Job Monitoring Intuitive tracking of status of submitted jobs Plug-in based: - Visualisation(local and remote) - Interaction and real timesteering - Visualisation of intermediate results
EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant Supported middlwares and applications Supported infrastructures: - gLite, - I2g - UNICORE(still to be improved) Example of some supported applications (past/current): - Fusion applications ] - Analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background - IMS Model Suite - Gamess, SemtiKamols, number of other script based applications
EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant Visualization of Plasma Particles in Fusion Devices Example of parallel, interactive application that requires remote visualisation - runned on 30 nodes, - real time steering, simulation and remote visualisation) - Interaction with application within MD from laptop - Changing the simulation physical parameters in runtime the demo of the application running inside Migrating Desktop framework has won main prize during EGEE User Forum/OGF 20 in Manchester
EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant Visualization of Plasma Particles in Fusion Devices
EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant Developer’s perspective Migrating Desktop – based on standarized plug-in mechanism - Possibility of adding application, visualisation, job pre-post processing or any other java plug-ins Roaming Access Server – based on web services - Possiblity of supporting other infrastructures!! - interaction not only from MD client Developer Zone: Developers guides, examples, source code, etc. It is Open Source – it is possible to take the source code and improve things
EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant MD Plug-in Architecture Motivations - To enable easy extension of the framework - To standardize integration with „third party” modules - To integrate Migrating Desktop with applications - To give to integrated modules easy access to resources Migrating Desktop plug-ins - Set of OSGi bundles with well-defined interface, described by XML file and loaded „on demand” from a network
EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant OSGi concept Open Services Gateway Initiative OSGi™ Alliance More than 35 companies from various areas (Sun, IBM, Ericsson, Nokia, Philips, BMW, etc.) Technology designed to provide a general-purpose, secure, and managed Java framework supporting the deployment of extensible and downloadable modules known as bundles that usual provide services - a collection of interfaces and their implementations. Standard with several implementations (Equinox, Knoplerfish, etc) Used as engine for open source Eclipse IDE
EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant OSGi bundles A bundle is a JAR file Bundles can be remotely installed, started, stopped, updated or uninstalled on the fly Bundles can share Java packages among an exporter bundle and an importer bundle in a well-defined way. OSGi services OSGi service is a java object instance, registered into an OSGi framework with a set of properties. Any java object can be registered as a service, Service implements a well-known interface Bundles can register services, search for them, or receive notifications when their registration state changes.
EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant Product timeline 2002: Start of development within 5th Framework EU CrossGrid Project and national Progress project (Proof of concept) 2005: Chosen as a key component of the EU CrossGrid project Nov 2005: Start of deployment in 6th Framework EU-BalticGrid project May 2006: Continuation of development in 6th Framework EU project May 2007: the demo "Visualization of Plasma Particles in Fusion Devices" that was running inside Migrating Desktop framework has won main prize during EGEE User Forum/OGF 20 in Manchester. 2008: MD in EFEE RESPECT programme :Developments and deployments in FP7 infrastructure projects: – Euforia project (development) – BalticGrid-II – Deployment in PL-GRID project – … deployment and development in other projects (negotiation stage) Continuation of the deployments in terms of the NGI’s
EUFORIA FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , Grant Additional information Product homepage Product homepage - EUFORIA EUFORIA - BalticGrid - PSNC PSNC - CVS Repository – source CVS Repository – source code code - The OSGi Alliance The OSGi Alliance -