Web-based Course Management System By Melanie Nuffer
Learning Environments provide OpenClass Learning Environment Cost and Setup Compatibility Benefits Better than Final Site
Allow students to move beyond the textbook Richer more customized learning Instructor created content Extending the learning beyond the classroom. Multimedia content Faster delivery Greater student engagement
“… dynamic, scalable, fully cloud-based solution” Integrated environment that allows for the exchange of content, coursework, and ideas. Includes the usage of social technology to encourage collaboration and communication. features an idea exchange that provides an opportunity for instructors to share best practices.
FREE No new hardware No licensing No hosting costs Easy setup Already using Google Apps for educators Little time to add Open Class to existing accounts.
Cloud tools are not platform specific Provide anytime anywhere access Moodle content can be imported Wide array of file format available Integrated with publishers such as Pearson, Turnitin, Learning Objects, Folio Tek, Skype, Soft Chalk, Open Study, ProQuest, and more
Open source Sharing Compatibility FREE! Content provided Collaborative Provides for greater customization for individual students.
Calendar feature is more easily shared with mobile devices and easier to use. Allows for better sharing of documents and files. Allows for collaboration among students and teacher. Better integration of mail services No COST! Better online testing Potential for integration with PowerSchool.
OpenClass. (2011). OpenClass. Retrieved March 24, 2012, from dex dex Sannier, A. (Director) (2011, October 18). Introduction to Open Class. Educause. Lecture conducted from Pearson Education, Philadelphia