The Things A Brother Knows By: Dana Reinhardt Genre: Realistic Fiction
The plot of " The Things A Brother Knows" is Boaz comes home from fighting in the Iraq war and is not the same as he was when he left. Boaz decides to go on a trip to the appalachian trail to get back to the old him, Levi soons catches up with Boaz while he is on his trip and finds out he's not going to the appalachian trail.
It is told in first person point of view and the narrator is Levi Katznelson. Which means you only see the story through his eyes.
There are a couple huge conflicts in the book,and those are Boaz not being the same as he was before he left for the war, and where is he going on his trip. Before Boaz left he used to be nice and do many things around the house but since he has returned he has only been doing a few things, staying up in his room, researching things about the millitary on the internet, and sleeping. No one ever sees him unless they knock on his door or run into him going to the bathroom.The only reason they know he is alive is food keeps disappearing in the middle of the night. Now to the next conflict, Levi soon finds Boaz on the trip and after fighting Boaz decides to let him come along they make all sorts of stops along the way of their long walk and meet some interesting people but Boaz still won't tell Levi where they are going and it is not until the last few pages of the book where Levi finally finds out where Boaz and himself are going.
The main characters are Boaz, Levi, Abba, Mom, Dov, Zim, and Pearl. Levi is a direct character because it says "I look at my long first toe and how is dwarfs my second" and "So maybe i don't have a true high and tight but I am sporting an allover, super short buzz cut. Pearl is a direct character because it says "She goes to the Convent of the Holy Child of Jesus, and as if things weren't tough enough, try going to a Catholic girls' school when your Jewish.And Chinese". Dov is A direct character because it say " He's sixty seven years old, with a face like a rumpled suit, untamable white hair and sideburns". Boaz is a indirect character because it says " Your a better brother than he is, Zim". Mom is a indirect character because it says "I wanted to grab something and hurl it at her". Abba is a indirect character because it says "It's a Abba thing, dinner is, even if he didn't cook it". Zim is a indirect character because it say "Can I come see him?"
In "The Things A Brother Knows"the use foreshadowing by using a box that holds something very key to the end of the story. It also uses imagery by Levi drawing out pictures in his head about what he think Washington D.C. will look like.
The things I liked about this book is it gave me a better understanding about what the war is like and how it changes the people that are involved in it. The things I dislike about this book is the language, there is a ton of cuss word and other mildly bad words.
The best audience for this book would be anyone in highschool or up due to the language and other terms.
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