Pluto By:Levi Harmsen
Distance from the Sun It is 5,869 million kilometers Neptune is Pluto's neighbor Pluto is the 10 th from the sun
Size Pluto is 2% of Earth The volume is.1% It is the smallest planet It is 2,390 kilometers
Moons Pluto has 3 moons Pluto has 3 moons Names are Nix, Charon, Hydra. Charon was named after a god that ferried to cross the river. Nix is second from Pluto. Hydra is the furthest. Names are Nix, Charon, Hydra. Charon was named after a god that ferried to cross the river. Nix is second from Pluto. Hydra is the furthest.
Orbit Its orbit is 90,465 days It spins counter clockwise Its above the plane of the eliptic when orbiting the sun.
Rotation The rotation is 6 days and 9 hours The axis title is 17 degrease
Temperature The temperature is -234 degrease celceaus The atmosphere is made up of methane and nitrogen
Interesting Facts Pluto is the coldest planet Its sign is a p/w a line underneath It’s a dwarf planet
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