A VOIDING “S LOW DEATH BY P OWER P OINT ” Creating Effective Presentations
D ESIGNING E FFECTIVE V ISUAL P RESENTATIONS Consistent Simple Content 1st Clear Tell a Story Summarize Progressive
T HE G OLDEN R ULES Content 1 st PowerPoint 2nd Tell a Story!
focus Keep the focus on the content, story, and Presenter PowerPoint is just the tool to tell the story Don’t make PowerPoint the FOCUS
In order to engage your audience, they must understand the STORY you are telling: Where are we now? Beginning Where do we want to end up? End How are we going to get there? Middle
T ELLING A S TORY A Good Story A Bad Story
K EEP IT S IMPLE : S IZE This is Arial 12 This is Arial 18 This is Arial 24 This is Arial 28 This is Arial 32 This is Arial 36 This is Arial 44 Too Big, except for Titles Too Small Just Right for Content
K EEP I T S IMPLE - S TYLE Too many different colours Too Too Many different Fonts and Styles Too many different sizes
K EEP I T S IMPLE - C ONTENT Instructional Technology: A complex integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices, and organization, for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems in situations in which learning is purposive and controlled (HMRS 5th ed.) Too detailed and wordy !
K EEP I T S IMPLE - C ONTENT A complex process involving people, procedures & tools for analyzing problems & creating solutions in learning situations (HMRS 5th ed.) Instructional Technology: Much Simpler
K EEP I T S IMPLE - C ONTENT A complex process Involves people, procedures & tools Used for analyzing problems & creating solutions Applies to learning situations (HMRS 5th ed.) Instructional Technology: even Better!
T HE 6 X 7 R ULE The 6 x 7 rule No more than 6 lines of Text per slide No more than 7 words per line
K EEP I T S IMPLE - T ABLES DelhiMumbaiGoa January11,532,23414,123,6543,034,564 February1,078,45612,345,56716,128,234 March17,234,7786,567,12316,034,786 April16,098,89710,870,9547,940,096 May8,036,89710,345,39414,856,456 June16,184,345678,0954,123,656 July8,890,34515,347,93418,885,786 August8,674,23418,107,11017,230,095 September4,032,04518,923,2399,950,498 October2,608,0969,945,8905,596,096 November5,864,034478,0236,678,125 December12,234,1239,532,1113,045,654 Too detailed ! Falling Leaves Observed
K EEP I T S IMPLE - T ABLES In 10 6 DelhiMumbaiGoa January11143 February11216 March17616 April16107 May81014 June1604 July81518 August81817 September4189 October295 November506 December1293 Much Simpler Falling Leaves Observed (in Millions)
K EEP I T S IMPLE - G RAPHS Too Busy & detailed ! Falling Leaves Observed
Much Simpler Keep It Simple - Graphs Falling Leaves Observed
K EEP I T S IMPLE - I MAGES Images can distract your audience Pictures are NOT a substitute for Content Too many images detracts from your message
K EEP IT S IMPLE - I MAGES Images MUST be relevant to the content Ex: The Research Process Not Relevant! Relevant!
K EEP IT S IMPLE - I MAGES Images should be used to CLARIFY content
K EEP I T S IMPLE - S OUND Sound effects can be very distracting and annoying necessary! Use sound only when necessary!
K EEP I T S IMPLE - T RANSITIONS This transition is annoying, and distracting …. Simple transitions, such as Appear and Disappear,are effective and help you... Tell Your Story
K EEP I T S IMPLE - A NIMATIONS 2 m Too distracting ! This animation is annoying, and distracting ….
K EEP I T S IMPLE - A NIMATIONS 2m Simple & to the point Simple animations can be effective and help you...Tell your Story
M AKE I T C LEAR - C APITALS WRITING IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS IS TOO DIFFICULT TO READ Regular Sentence Case with Upper and lower case letters is easier to read
M AKE I T C LEAR - F ONTS Z Z busy clear Use Readable Fonts Serif fonts have projecting “serifs” at the end of the strokes – they are harder to read Sans-serif Fonts are simpler, and easier to read Serif Font Times Sans-Serif Font Arial
M AKE I T C LEAR - S TYLES Use colour, Bold, and Size to emphasize points NOT Distract Italics are difficult to read on screen Normal or bold fonts are clearer BOLD font should be used sparingly, for emphasis ONLY Underlining is confusing and should ONLY be used for hyperlinkshyperlinks
M AKE I T C LEAR – N UMBERED L ISTS Use numbers for lists with a logical sequence For example: How to put an elephant into a fridge? 1. Open the door of the fridge 2. Put the elephant in 3. Close the door
M AKE I T C LEAR – N UMBERED L ISTS How to put a giraffe into a fridge? 1. Open the door of the fridge 2. Take out the elephant 3. Put the giraffe in 4. Close the door
M AKE I T C LEAR – B ULLETED L ISTS Use Bullets to list points about a topic Use bullets to show a list without Priority Sequence Hierarchy, …..
M AKE I T C LEAR - C OLOR Use contrasting colours to help content stand out Light on dark or dark on light Use complementary colours
M AKE I T C LEAR - C ONTRAST Use contrasting colours Light on dark vs dark on light Use complementary colours low contrast high contrast
M AKE I T C LEAR - C ONTRAST Use contrasting colours Light on dark Use complementary colours Dark on light
M AKE I T C LEAR - C ONTRAST Use contrasting colours Light on dark vs dark on light Use complementary colours These colours are NOT complementary
M AKE I T C LEAR - C ONTRAST Use contrasting colours Light on dark vs dark on light Use complementary colours These colours are complementary
M AKE I T C LEAR - S IZE Size implies importance
M AKE I T C LEAR - S IZE Size implies importance
M AKE I T C LEAR – F OCAL P OINT Focal points direct attention
M AKE I T C LEAR – F OCAL P OINT Focal points direct attention
Complexity of Interactions Mode of Instruction IndividualPairGroup Direct Instruction Guided Inquiry Discovery Learning Individual Instructive Tools Individual Constructive Tools Social Constructive Tools Social Communicative Tools Informational Tools B E P ROGRESSIVE – S POON F EED Too much at Once!
Complexity of Interactions Mode of Instruction IndividualPairGroup Direct Instruction Guided Inquiry Discovery Learning Individual Instructive Tools Individual Constructive Tools Social Constructive Tools Social Communicative Tools Informational Tools B E P ROGRESSIVE – S POON F EED Progressive & focused
B E P ROGRESSIVE – F OCUSED Floppy disk User interface CPU I/O Error Backup system Software Mouse Debugger Function key Main Storage Too much at once, Unfocused
B E P ROGRESSIVE – F OCUSED Floppy disk User interface CPU I/O Error Backup system Software Mouse Debugger Function key Main Storage Progressive & focused
Differences draw attention Differences can imply importance Use surprises to attract not distract
B E C ONSISTENT Differences draw attention Differences can imply importance Use surprises to attract not distract This difference draws attention
B E C ONSISTENT Differences draw attention Differences may imply importance o Use surprises to attract not distract These differences distract!
B E C ONSISTENT Differences draw attention Differences may imply importance Use surprises to attract not distract Small differences can imply importance
B E C ONSISTENT Differences draw attention Differences may imply importance Use surprises to attract not distract Too Many differences is Confusing!
B E C ONSISTENT Differences draw attention Differences may imply importance Use surprises to attract not distract A small surprise attracts
B E C ONSISTENT Differences draw attention Differences may imply importance Use surprises to attract not distract Too many distracts!
I N S UMMARY Content 1 st, PowerPoint 2 nd Tell a Story Big Simple Clear Progressive Consistent
W HEN C REATING Focus on the Content Make sure the audience understands the Story Use text to communicate your message Use visuals to support, not to distract Use Images to simplify and clarify Use Animations to demonstrate concepts & relationships Use sounds only when absolutely necessary Think about the people in the back
W HEN P RESENTING Speak loudly and clearly with fluctuation Direct your words to all aspects of the room Maintain eye contact with your audience Don’t read the slides, use them for reference Ask questions to engage your audience Practice before a neutral audience Be particular about the time given Leave time for questions