Carlos Danger Kevin Moffatt
The rapid growth in population made it harder for party bosses to exert complete control over the party members, and with the 17 th amendment in 1913, senators were directly elected as well. The legislature at the time was often accused of being corrupt and outdated, and indeed the political cartoon here indicates that the house has been remiss in its duty to re-assess population requirements for each representative. Today as well, constant redistricting and reevaluation is conducted by the federal government, and senators are, of course, still elected by popular vote.
This reflects the women’s rights movement during the progressive era because it shows that women were politically active during the time, pursuing the fundamental constitutional right to vote. This can be seen today in the fact that women have basically the full rights that men do, and even today, our next President may be a woman.
This is political propaganda persuading citizens that temperance is the right movement, and that if one supports booze, they do not support the American war effort in WWI. Effectively, they are saying that you have to choose between supporting the hard fighting American soldiers, or the evil hard liquor. As we can see today, the 18 th amendment was a complete failure, and that is why it has not been attempted again to this day.
All the people are waiting wanting to come into the US, but there are laws that are in place to restrict immigration, causing these long lines at Ellis Island. However, people are willing to wait in these restriction lines and waits in Ellis island, showing how much they want to get in to America. This can be connected to modern day because we still have many people from other countries trying to get in, both legally and illegally and at the time there are many immigration reform laws attempting to be passed.
Child labor was commonplace at the time, with children being employed for their small size and low pay. Conditions were often very dangerous in such factories, and in response to continued pressure, president Woodrow Wilson passed laws forbidding child labor. Today, those laws are still in effect, and federal law forbids children under 16 years old from working.
Works Cited Library of Congress. Early 1900s immigrants wait in the Great Hall at Ellis Island, where millions entered the country from 1892 to The historic portal became a museum in Digital image. N.p., 24 Sept Web. 26 Feb Library of Congress. Women picketing for women's suffrage 1900s. Digital image. THE GILDER LEHRMAN INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN HISTORY, n.d. Web.. National Archives. About Time to Measure Yourself Again? Digital image. National Archives, n.d. Web.. National Archives. Child Laborer, Newberry, SC, Digital image. George Washington University, n.d. Web.. Ohio Historical Society. "Will You Back Me or Back Booze" Digital image. PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. PBS, n.d. Web..