Undefined Terms and Definitions
Undefined Terms Point simply a location represented by a dot named with a capital letter no shape no size
Undefined Terms (cont.) Line made up of points no thickness or width drawn with an arrowhead at each end named by the letters representing two points on the line or by a lowercase script letter has symbol in label above two letters SL or LS
Undefined Terms (cont.) Plane flat surface made up of points no depth extends infinitely in all directions drawn as a shaded, slanted four-sided figure named by a capital script letter or by the letters naming three points in the plane that are not on the same line
Definitions (cont.) Collinear - points on the same line Coplanar - points that lie on the same plane Intersection – The point(s) in common among figures Space – A boundless three-dimensional set of all points.Space can contain lines and planes. Locus – A set of points that all satisfy a particular condition.
Example 1-1d Answer: line c, Answer:plane P, plane XYZ, plane ZYX, plane YZX, plane XZY, plane ZXY, plane YXZ Use the figure to name each of the following. a. a line containing point X b. a plane containing point Z
Example 1-2d Answer: point Answer: plane VISUALIZATION Name the geometric shape modeled by each object. a. a colored dot on a map used to mark the location of a city b. the ceiling of your classroom
Example 1-4e a. How many planes appear in this figure? Answer: two
Example 1-4f b. Name three points that are collinear. Sample answer: A, X, and Z
Example 1-4g c. Are points X, O, and R coplanar? Explain. Answer: Points X, O, and R all lie in plane T, so they are coplanar.
Example 1-4h Answer: R d. At what point do and intersect?