Global HX Picture
Some Principles to Follow Remember that it is a Complicated Problem of a Complex System with Large Uncertainties Dynamics means we need to work out Time Representations of Questions instead of Static Comparisons Use Multiple Analysis Approaches Emphasize Observations but use models to pose & investigate hypotheses
Dynamics -- Weather Some Tasks Finish linkage of dynamics (including fair weather & storms) to cloud property distributions Complete quantification of cloud-weather feedbacks [esp. severe storms] Some Questions What are the proper differential relationships? What are the relevant quantities? [horizontal divergence (ie, vertical motion) but also RH tendency] What are scale dependencies? How is scale-dependent coupling to be represented? How do we understand fair-foul weather distribution [ultimately a feedback question]?
Dynamics -- Environment Some Tasks Investigate land surface -- ABL feedbacks that are altered by cloud processes hydrology & land biosphere Cloud effects on ocean-atmosphere coupling ocean biosphere Some Questions How does Cloudy ABL evolve in response to surface fluxes & large-scale atmosphere changes? How would ABL differ without cloud processes? Do cloud processes change scale of coupling to surface?
Dynamics -- Climate Some Tasks Connect general circulation and global cloudiness Determine cloud-dependent causes/alterations of natural variability Some Questions How do we relate general circulation intensity to global cloud property distributions? Can we relate transient and equilibrium feedbacks? The Big Question: What is the climate sensitivity with and without cloud processes?
Some Tests of Success Matching scale-dependent variability distributions Matching evolution of weather conditions (Eulerian, Lagrangian), specifically storm formation & evolution & motion Weather-to-decadal scale-dependent energy and water exchange rates – Distribution of contributions to budgets by different Weather & Climate States
Equations X (t + Δt) = G [P(t]] + ε Where X are observables, P are System State Parameters and ε are Measurement Errors X (t + Δt) = G [X(t)] Where X can include past values Linearize about some System State X(t 0 ) X(t 0 + Δt) – X(t 0 ) = H [X(t 0 )] ΔX(t 0 ) Where H = ∂X(t 0 + Δt) /∂X(t 0 ) So ∂X /∂t = [∂X(t 0 + Δt) /∂X(t 0 )] ΔX(t 0 ) ΔX(t 0 ) = (∂X /∂t) [∂X(t 0 + Δt) /∂X(t 0 )] Where ΔX(t 0 ) is climate anomaly (e.g., ENSO) relative to base state, ∂X /∂t are tendencies going into-out-of the anomalous state and H is the “sensitivity” matrix
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