Bullying and Harassment Andover YMCA Swim Team
What are... bullyingandharassment?
Bullying... Bullying is picking on other people and making them feel bad and unsafe.
Bullying... Punching, shoving, and other acts that hurt people physically Spreading bad rumors about people Keeping certain people out of a "group“ Teasing people in a mean way Getting certain people to "gang up" on others
Bullying… Bullying also can happen online or electronically. Cyber bullying is when children or teens bully each other using the Internet, mobile phones or other cyber technology. This can include: Sending mean text, , or instant messages Posting nasty pictures or messages about others in blogs or on Web sites Using someone else's user name to spread rumors or lies about someone
What is cyber bullying? Sending or posting harmful text or pictures using: –Internet Facebook, MySpace, etc. s –Cell phone Voice messages Text messages Camera
Sexual harassment... Sexual harassment may be words or behaviors of a sexual nature that are unwanted or unwelcome.
Who can be bullied or harassed? Boys can be harassed by boys. Girls can be harassed by girls. Boys can be harassed by girls. Girls can be harassed by boys.
No one asks to be bullied or harassed. Not even if they bother you. Not even if you teased with that person before. Not even if you don’t like the person or they don’t like you. Not even if they dress, speak, or act different from you. Not even if your friends or other people are doing it.
TATTLING or TELLING? You are NOT TATTLING if you tell an adult about teasing, bullying, or harassment. You are NOT TATTLING if you tell an adult about teasing, bullying, or harassment. TELLING an adult about bullying, or harassment will help you feel safe. TELLING an adult about bullying, or harassment will help you feel safe. TELLING an adult about bullying or harassment will help stop the behavior. TELLING an adult about bullying or harassment will help stop the behavior. TATTLING is only to get someone in trouble. TATTLING is only to get someone in trouble. TELLING takes courage. Good for you! TELLING takes courage. Good for you!
How does it feel? RespectHarassment Liked/accepted Liked/accepted Good/happy Good/happy Important Important Comfortable Comfortable Confident Confident Alone, confused Alone, confused Embarrassed Embarrassed Angry, mad Angry, mad Uncomfortable Uncomfortable Frightened Frightened Hurt, ashamed Hurt, ashamed
STOP bullying, and harassment. If you are comfortable, tell the harasser to stop! Ask an adult you trust for help: a teacher, your principal, nurse, counselor, swim coach, your parents, some other trusted adult in school. Don’t be a bystander - SPEAK OUT! Don’t join in. Don’t be a bully!