2/2/2016 5:40 PM 1 Force Templates: A Blueprint for Coalition Interaction within an Infosphere Lt Col. Robert E. Marmelstein Joint Battlespace Infosphere (JBI) Information Directorate Air Force Research Laboratory
2/2/2016 5:40 PM 2 Applications, Systems, Sensors (JBI Clients) Global Grid, SIPRNET, Internet,…. Introducing the JBI JBI Repository JBI Query Broker JBI Subscription Broker JBI Management Services JBI Platform (Core Services) Meta data ACCESS ? Meta data Meta data TBMCS GCCS ? ? Publish Subscribe Fuselet Query Publish/ Subscribe / Query Force Template
2/2/2016 5:40 PM 3 JBI Stand-Up Issues – How are units registered with the JBI? – What is the minimum set of Information Objects (IOs) needed to integrate new units into a JBI? – Who publishes, or subscribes to, a given IO? – What conditions are associated with the above? – How are fuselets introduced into the JBI? – How are publisher access controls specified and managed?
2/2/2016 5:40 PM 4 Information handshake between the JBI and a combat unit (defines the subscribe and publish data to JBI). Two purposes: integration and control Standardization for templates for like units. Force Template defines (at a minimum): What information does the unit require? Example: Imagery with an Area of Interest What information can the unit provide? Example: Weapons pod camera What are the constraints on that information? Example: Photos published between 1400Z and 1500Z Force Templates Force Template JBI New Unit
2/2/2016 5:40 PM 5 Force Templates vs. Passes Purpose Activation Prerequisites JBI Interface Content Characteristics Minimum Contents Force TemplatesPasses Register entities with the JBIRegister clients with the JBI Approval of JFC or parent the parent entity Registration of owner entity’s force template with the JBI Force Template ControllerClient Adapter Distributed, Hierarchical, Decomposable Consolidated--cannot be decomposed Entity Information Requirements and Products; Related Constraints; Passes for clients owned by the entity Info Object Advertisements Subscription Requests Client-level Constrains
EntitiesClients CINC JTF Unit Represent platforms, systems, or individuals Interact directly with the JBI Do not decompose further Use Passes to register with the JBI Theater-level Force Template JTF-level Force Template Unit-level Template Unit Represent units or organizations Reflects Joint Force ‘building blocks’ Decompose into clients & other entities Register with JBI using Force Templates
2/2/2016 5:40 PM 7 Problem - Rapidly Forming Ad-hoc Coalition Teams Coalition Military JTF NGO Local Civil Authorities US State Dept The Challenge: Barriers to Team Formation Differences in: Doctrine Policy Processes Vocabulary Command Structure Quickly Enabling Disparate Parties to Cooperate and Interoperate to Solve a Common Problem Each Team Member Provides: Information Services Personnel Assets Infrastructure Trust
2/2/2016 5:40 PM 8 Force Template Composition NecessaryDesiredSpeculative Security Credentials Entity Description Fuselets Info Pedigree Info Requirements Info Products Related Constraints Ontologies Business Rules Process Models Agents Web Services
2/2/2016 5:40 PM 9 Entity-Client Model Assumptions The JBI platform has visibility and control over its inputs and outputs Entities use Force Templates to maintain nominal control over their clients Consistent with JFC policies Consistent with JBI Information Staff directives Some conflicts may need to be externally resolved Force Template may change during the mission In response to top-down or bottom-up requests A given change request may impact multiple force templates (subscriber & publisher)
Pass FT Controller Unit Side JBI Side Request Response FT Controller (parent) Updates Adapter The Force Template contains passes for associated clients The Pass contains valid advertisements and subscriptions for a given client The Controller is the gatekeeper for making changes to the Force Template The Adapter propagates changes resulting from client requests to the Force Template though its Controller Change Request FT Conflict Update Force Template Authority This individual has the power to approve force template changes for a given Entity JBI Client Clients can request permission to publish, or subscribe to, new information objects Information Broker The Broker forwards the change request to the appropriate AuthorityResponse Change Request
2/2/2016 5:40 PM 11 Summary The JBI represents the way ahead for supporting Coalition C2 operations Force Templates are a mechanism for: Quickly integrating units into the JBI Exercising control over JBI clients Force Template complexity will grow as JBI must support increasingly diverse, ad-hoc coalitions Entity-Client interaction model is first step in defining requirements for Force Templates Model is in early stages of development Critical to overall JBI systems engineering effort