February 27, 2014 Homework: Study for Quiz (Tuesday 3/4), Website has- “What to Study,” information- in Assignments Tab. Finish Submarine- Fig. 13 Question & Section review question 1C, 2A, 2B- On pg. 83 in NoteB. Do now: -Write down homework- Update T.O.C Pg. 82: Archimedes Principle/ Density Notes Pg. 83: Section 2 Review H.W- -Open Tb. 87
Why does a ship float on the surface?- Use Archimedes Principle to answer May work with a partner Write on pg. 81- Challenge! Can only answer using 3-4 sentences max And DO NOT copy directly out of the book
Why does a ship float on the surface?- (in Four sentences or less) The buoyant force equals the weight of the fluid the object displaces. The buoyant force will increase if more fluid is displaced. This means that the larger the object, like a ship, the greater the weight of fluid will be displaced and the greater the buoyant force This greater buoyant force be able to hold up the ship (making the ship be able to float, not sink…)
Floating or Sinking Whether an object floats or sinks depends on the Density of an object, NOT the weight
Density- Pg 82 in NB Density- How much mass is in a given unit of volume- {D=M/V} It is how much “stuff” that can be compacted into a given amount of space The closer the particles of the object/ substance get the more Dense the object is… More dense means the more matter, which means more mass in a given space More mass makes the object heavier…
-If the object is less dense than the fluid, the object…. it will float. -If the object is more dense… it will sink. How can you determine if an object will sink or float in a fluid?
Which is more dense?
Homework: Pg: 87 in TB: Fig. 13 On textbook pg. 87: Draw Submarine diagram- Fig 13 on pg. 83 in NB: Answer the question- Comparing and Contrasting: Answer 1 C, 2A, & 2 B from the section review