Coronal and Interplanetary Magnetic Fields in October-November 2003 and November CMEs Vasyl Yurchyshyn Big Bear Solar Observatory,
Objective We will compare orientations of the ● Photospheric (MDI, BBSO DVMG) ● Coronal (SOHO/EIT, Halpha) ● Interplanetary (ACE) magnetic fields in order to understand the connection between CMEs and their source regions as well as the CME evolution in the interplanetary space
Dst Index In Oct - Nov 2003 and Nov 2004 Oct 28 CME (event I) Oct 29 CME (event II) Nov 18 CME (event III) Nov 7 CME (event IV)
1. Magnetic Complexes: 10 eruptions accompanied with one X, eight M and one C class flares 39 active region associated CMEs originated in the following magnetic configurations: 2. “Tadpole’’- Shaped sunspots: 8 eruptions associated with two X, five M and one C class flares List 3 3. Complex Delta Spots: 21 eruptions accompanied with eleven X, eight M and two C class flares
Oct 28 flare1 October X17 flare and CME (event I)
Ace 29 data ACE Data and MC reconstruction (Qiang Hu) Ejecta Time: 10/ UT – 10/ UT Ejecta Time: 10/ UT – 10/ UT Cone angle: 113 deg Clock angle: 266 deg Axial Field: B z0 = 45 nT Magnetic Helicity: Negative Clock angle GSE Y GSE Z
Oct 28 flare2 October X17 flare and CME MC HXR sources
Oct 29 flare1 October X10 flare and CME (event II) The neutral line and the post- flare loop system were oriented nearly along the SN line and the axial magnetic field pointed northward. PFL system showed signs of negative helicity.
Ace 20 data ACE Data (Qiang Hu) Flux Rope? If so, it was strongly inclined to the ecliptic plane, it had negative helicity and the Bz was directed northward
Nov 18 flare1 November M3.9 flare and CME (event III)
Ace 20 data ACE Data and MC reconstruction (Qiang Hu) Ejecta Time: 11/ UT – 11/ UT Ejecta Time: 11/ UT – 11/ UT Cone angle: 105 deg Clock angle: 311 deg Axial Field: B z0 = 57 nT Magnetic Helicity: Positive Clock angle GSE Y GSE Z
Nov 18 flare2 November M3.9 flare and CME (event III) MC
Nov 7 flare1 November X2.0 flare and CME (event IV) 16:12 UT16:24 UT16:48 UT Meudon Ha 12:09UT MLSO Ha 17:09UT filament
Nov 7 flare2 November X2.0 flare and CME (event IV) Analysis of the data shows that the active region had predominant negative helicity, while large-scale magnetic field as well as the magnetic field in the post flare arcade were directed eastward.
Nov 7 flare3 November X2.0 flare and CME (event IV) ACE data show rotation of the Bz (yellow) from positive to negative (N S) and the negative By (white), which indicates that this NWS MC was nearly parallel to the earth’s equator its axial field was pointed westward and it had negative helicity. MC 10 hours
Nov 7 flare4 Nov CME: Possibility I – Filament Eruption MC Inverse polarity, Left handed (dextral, negative helicity) NWS filament? + - Magnetic flux rope, associated w/ the filament AR 0696
Nov 7 flare5 Nov CME: Possibility II – Break Out? Left handed dextral NWS flux rope or sheared Large scale S directed overlaying field magnetic field
Summary In all cases analyzed here, the orientations of the interplanetary helical magnetic fields at 1AU were consistent with the orientation and helicity of the magnetic field in the source regions Moreover, the direction of the axial magnetic field in the MCs on October 29 and November 20, and less evident in the October 30 MC, are closely related to the direction of the axial magnetic fields in the associated post-flare arcades, which span across the magnetic neutral line The discrepancy between the orientation of the MC on Nov 9, 2004 and in the large-scale fields in the associated active region could be explained by assuming that i) the MC was associated with the erupted filament ii) a break-out scenario was realized in the X2.0 flare event iii) the interplanetary CME rotated by about 180 deg as it traversed across the the space