Nexus deliverable 4.6. Final report on Balkan Food Platform and recommendations for future integration of WBC/EECA countries (deliverable structure, contributions, timeline) First Symposium-Capacity Development in Nutrition and Food Research in Central and Eastern Europe (CAPNUTRA): Balkan Food Platform - Regional Food Composition Data Base development, January 2013, Belgrade, Serbia IMR and network participants, Paul Finglas, Arne Oshaug
Deliverable EuroFIR Nexus WP 4-Work Package 4. Training and spreading of excellence within EuroFIR-Nexus - Task 4 – Shaping and implementing Balkan Food platform with Network for Capacity Development in Central & Eastern European Countries. D4.6- Final report on Balkan Food Platform, recommendations for future integration, WBC/EECA countries: Final report on Balkan Food Platform including results from capacity building in food and health, and future recommendations for long- term sustainability (with WP3, Task 2). [month 24]
Deliverable structure Abstract Introduction Background Objectives Food composition data base status in CEE/WBC-results from questionnaires Capacity Development activities in CEE/WBC (NCDNCEE meetings, trainings, workshops, nutritional tools, summary of reports and achievements in CD FCDB Balkan region) EuroFIR nexus -Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) FCDB training and Capacity Development activity needs in CEE and Balkan Identification of regional training needs and future priorities in food and nutrition research region-results from questionnaires Recommendations for future activities for long-term sustainability References Annexes
Time frame Report from the meeting January First Symposium-Capacity Development in Nutrition and Food Research in Central and Eastern Europe (CAPNUTRA): Balkan Food Platform - Regional Food Composition Data Base development, Belgrade January MoU–signed from the countries and EuroFIR AISBL and CAPNUTRA 31 January 2013 Draft report from the meeting (with contribution from all participants with short summary of their presentations) 5 th February 2013-Final report from the meeting in Belgrade (IMR+ all participants) __________________________________________________________________ Nexus Deliverable th February draft Deliverable to be send for comments to coordinator EuroFIR - Nexus and WP lider (IMR) Month 24- end of February final version of deliverable to be sent to coordinator EuroFIR -Nexus and WP lider (IMR)