The Iowa CBE Collaborative January 22, 2014 #IACompED IOWA Department of Education
More Children Iowa CBE Collaborative IOWA Department of Education Housekeeping: Coffee/Water RR Electricity Lunch Internet #IACompED Slight change in agenda
IOWA Department of Education Collaborative members will: Increase understanding of the Iowa CBE Guidelines/Definitions Increase understanding of standards-based grading, competency-based education, and personalized learning Increase understanding of the Work Team purposes Agree to specific next steps for each Work Team
IOWA Department of Education Collaborative members will: Learn from RISC presenters about 2 nd Order Change and the relevance with building a CBE system Identify Successful Leadership Capacities associated with 2 nd Order Change Demands Strategize Leadership Roles/Responsibilities to meet 2 nd Order Change Demands Make Connections Between Leadership Foundations, Burning Platforms, and Community Engagement Commit to next steps between now and February
Mass Customization IOWA Department of Education
Top Ten... CBE Questions IOWA Department of Education
Tim Van Soelen, Education Dordt College IOWA Department of Education
10. What is the Ning, and how can it help us? IOWA Department of Education
Promote communication across the state among people interested in CBE Promote communication among Collaborative members Provide work space for Collaborative Work Groups and District Teams Provide space for Collaborative Members and others to ask questions and share work, resources, and lessons learned IOWA Department of Education
Flexible New page added yesterday because a Collaborative member suggested it: resources This is a place for you to upload resources as you find value in them. IOWA Department of Education
National Attention Rich Schreiber started a discussion Rose Colby responded IOWA Department of Education
Kevin Range, Principal Spirit Lake High School
9. When are the districts in the collaborative expected to implement CBE? IOWA Department of Education
Move on when ready
Kim Carter, QED Foundation IOWA Department of Education
8. What will the collaborative do to support writing competencies? IOWA Department of Education
Writing Competencies and Scoring Guides Collaborative will learn in March and April Kim Carter and Rose Colby at June Conference Future days to write competencies Collaborative will write as many as possible as models Statewide, teachers can select from those or write their own Both inservice and preservice professional leaning will be key as others make this transformational change
Andrea Stewart, G/T Coordinator Muscatine CSD IOWA Department of Education
7. Why are we here? IOWA Department of Education
Task Force Collaborative Recommended we identify up to 10 districts that would serve as models across the state and that support for those districts would develop into statewide support The legislature provided for this recommendation to be fulfilled in House File 215 and House File 604 (funding) Application: – Goals, Objectives, and Responsibilities Overview: – Purpose of the Collaborative is to... “create a framework to guide the statewide implementation of competency-based education”
Sandra Dop, DE Director, Iowa CBE Collaborative IOWA Department of Education
6. What is the overall roadmap for the Collaborative—especially for the first year? IOWA Department of Education
Iowa CBE Collaborative Nov—Orientation Dec—Other Districts Jan—Definitions, Work Teams, Leadership for Transformational Change Feb—Stakeholder Engagement Mar/April—Writing Competencies and Scoring Guides May—to be determined June—Conference and Beyond Performance Tasks Accountability Ed Camp Style District Exchanges Other Processes Continue to find ways such as summer conferences to inform the field
Jason Ellingson, Superintendent Collins-Maxwell IOWA Department of Education
5. What is our role in the June conference? IOWA Department of Education
Conference: June As Attendees All Collaborative members attend without cost Keynotes and Guest Speakers include – Susan Patrick – Rose Colby – Kim Carter – Tom Vander Ark As Presenters Work Team sessions to update the field on the work so far and ask for their input District Panel(s) on what you are doing to this point Work with presenters during two-day tracks – Writing Competencies – Stakeholder Engagement – Higher Education
Ron Fielder, Educational Administration University of Iowa IOWA Department of Education
4. What are the first year expectations and “deliverables”? IOWA Department of Education
Collaborative Year One Expectations/Objectives: Begin to understand the foundation of the work Begin to understand stakeholder engagement Understand how to write competencies and scoring guides Share with the field Plan for next year Begin to plan for the framework Deliverables: Individual district stakeholder engagement plans Beginnings of the Framework (which includes guidance from each Work Team) June conference
Circe Stumbo, President West Wind Educational Policy, Inc. IOWA Department of Education
Today’s Agenda 3. What are the relationships between and among standards-based grading, competency-based education, and personalized learning.? 2. What are the purposes of the Work Teams? How do they function? 1. What can we do to successfully engage other staff and our parents and communities? IOWA Department of Education
The Iowa CBE Collaborative Digging Into Our Alphabet Soup: SBG, CBE, and Personalized Learning IOWA Department of Education
More Children Digging Into Our Alphabet Soup: SBG, CBE, and Personalized Learning IOWA Department of Education Chris Sturgis, CompetencyWorks Matt Townsley, Solon Community School District Lisa Wilson, AEA 10 Moderator: Circe Stumbo, Midwest Comprehensive Center and West Wind Education Policy
Getting Started: Refer to Your Guidelines Document IOWA Department of Education
Competency-Based Education=CBE Personalized Learning=PL Standards-Based Grading=SBG Alphabet Soup
IOWA Department of Education PL is how we help students reach proficiency SBG is how we monitor and communicate progress CBE provides infrastructure
More Children Guiding Questions IOWA Department of Education What do we want students to learn? How do we help them to learn it? How do we know they have learned it? How do we communicate what they have learned? What happens when they learn it? What happens when they don’t?
More Children Guiding Questions and More Terms IOWA Department of Education What do we want students to learn? Standards … competencies Academic content … Non-academic skills Learning progressions Depth of knowledge Other?
More Children Guiding Questions IOWA Department of Education How do we help them to learn it? Personalized Learning Other?
More Children e.g.: Innovation Collaborative for Personalized Learning IOWA Department of Education Students advance to higher-level work upon demonstration of proficiency of competencies rather than according to age or seat time. Explicit and measurable learning objectives guide student learning, which occurs at the students’ own pace in school, in the community, in workplaces, and through online experiences. Skills or concepts are assessed in multiple contexts and multiple ways with attention on student learning and performance, not grades. The relationship between student and teacher shifts to co-designers where students have voice and choice in developing their learning pathway.
More Children Table Discussion: How else would you answer these questions? What questions do you have? IOWA Department of Education What do we want students to learn? How do we help them to learn it? How do we know they have learned it? How do we communicate what they have learned? What happens when they learn it? What happens when they don’t?
More Children Guiding Questions IOWA Department of Education What do we want students to learn? How do we help them to learn it? How do we know they have learned it? How do we communicate what they have learned? What happens when they learn it? What happens when they don’t?
More Children Guiding Questions IOWA Department of Education How do we know they have learned it? How do we communicate what they have learned? Standards-Referenced Grading (Standards- Based Grading)
Measuring Progress IOWA Department of Education Based on Norms – Compared to other students, local norms & the bell curve Based on Standards – Individual Teachers - Standards-referenced Scales, not grades Trends, not averaging – Schoolwide - Standards-based Students are expected to become proficient in the standards Organizational capacity to respond to students NYP Advance upon mastery Based on competencies – Builds upon standards, often the same – Competencies capture the big ideas we expect kids to know and be able to do – Emphasis on application and performance – Learning Taxonomy
More Children Table Discussion IOWA Department of Education How do we know they have learned it? How do communicate what they have learned? Is the distinction between SBR/SBG and CBE clear? Other important points? Questions? Comments?
More Children Guiding Questions IOWA Department of Education What happens when they learn it? When they don’t? Guidance document: “Students advance upon proficiency” Implications?
IOWA Department of Education PL is how we help students reach proficiency SBG is how we monitor and communicate progress CBE provides infrastructure
Linda Allen, President Hawkeye Community College IOWA Department of Education
Work Teams IOWA Department of Education Work Team Charges on the ning in the Google folder Work Team Organizational Protocol getting started connecting with other groups developing questions for site visits other processes to get us started Work Team Reflection Sheets for the end of the day are also in that folder
Work Teams IOWA Department of Education Work Team Organizational Protocol 1 hour after break to get this work started you have a facilitator determine a recorder consider who will do those jobs if they are absent priorities for today are at the top of the protocol
1. Personalized Learning: Salon C (1-2) 2. College/Career Ready Definition: Facilitators Table 3. Professional Learning: Table 3 4. Teacher/Leader Preparation: Table 4 5. Monitor/Record/Report Learning: North Lobby (5) 6. Stakeholder Engagement: Lobby, Registration Table (2) 7.Leadership Development at All Levels: Table 7 8.Instruction and Learning Environments: Salon D (8) 9.Transitions to Post Secondary Education: Table Structures/Policies: East Lobby, South End (10) 11. Getting Started: Table Literature Review: Table 12 BREAK: Then Go to Work Teams IOWA Department of Education
1. What can we do to successfully engage other staff and our parents and communities? IOWA Department of Education
More Children Casting Vision and Proactive Community Engagement IOWA Department of Education Rick Schreiber, RISC Kim Hanisch, RISC
LUNCH After lunch, sit with your DISTRICT Teams Higher Ed sit with others from your institution. If you are the only one from your institution, join with one or two other singletons. IOWA Department of Education
Casting Vision and Proactive Community Engagement cont. IOWA Department of Education Rick Schreiber, RISC Kim Hanisch, RISC
BREAK After break, sit with your Work Teams at the tables where you worked this morning. IOWA Department of Education
Work Team Reflection and Feedback 30 minutes IOWA Department of Education How does what we did today inform your work? After the work today, what do you now realize you can offer the collaborative? Discuss your ideas for messaging today
DISTRICT Team Reflection and Feedback 30 minutes IOWA Department of Education How does what we did today inform your work? After the work today, what do you now realize you can offer the collaborative? Discuss your ideas for messaging today
Exit Ticket IOWA Department of Education Nametag and anything you want to keep in the envelope Leave it on the table Evaluation: leave them on the table
IOWA Department of Education #IACompEd