www.ircp.org Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Meeting Scientific Committee EMCDDA 17 th -18 th November 2008 1 Framework to structure the discussion.


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Presentation transcript:

Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Meeting Scientific Committee EMCDDA 17 th -18 th November Framework to structure the discussion on the role of the EMCDDA in the monitoring of drug supply in Europe Prof dr. Brice De Ruyver Meeting Scientific Committee EMCDDA November 2008

Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Meeting Scientific Committee EMCDDA 17 th -18 th November Key Questions  How can the EMCDDA develop drug supply information, collection and analysis?  What data should the EMCDDA collect in the area of supply in order to fulfil its mandate?  Who could be national partners?  What could be topics?  How to link demand reduction and supply reduction information?

Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Meeting Scientific Committee EMCDDA 17 th -18 th November Starting points 1. The EMCDDA plays a role to map the supply-side. Not the core-business of the EMCDDA, but the task of other organisations. › UNODC, Interpol, Europol: specific areas/ drug production and trafficking linked to organised crime  large-scale and geographically limited.

Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Meeting Scientific Committee EMCDDA 17 th -18 th November Starting points 2. European drug policy stands for an integrated policy, starting from an epidemiological basis, influencing the demand- and supply-side. Attaining this by: A spectrum of facilities in the fields of prevention, treatment, harm reduction and aftercare= tackling the demand-side. Roughly: law enforcement (criminal, administrative and fiscal law measures)= tackling the supply-side.

Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Meeting Scientific Committee EMCDDA 17 th -18 th November Starting points 3. Phenomenological: demand- and supply-side interact constantly. › This interaction is very evolutive for specific areas of the drug market (synthetic drugs, retail trade) also concerning the supply, price and quality. › Push on the supply-side creates demand-side (push- factor) The phase in which demand and supply meet on the illegal drug market = very relevant For the actors and domains which influence the demand-side. For the actors who tackle the supply-side.

Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Meeting Scientific Committee EMCDDA 17 th -18 th November 2008 Starting points It completes the sight upon the integral supply-chain  essential to combat the supply-side in its entirety. Yields a lot of information about: › How the supply-side influences the demand-side. › The used market strategies. › The way the demand-side looks for entrance to the supply-channels and the issues deriving from the latter (drug tourism, drug related crime and drug related nuisance). 6

Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Meeting Scientific Committee EMCDDA 17 th -18 th November Starting points 4. Gain insight into the nature of the drug market  contextualising essential. This contextualisation relates to: Political factors (national, (EU)-regional, local). Cultural factors (traditions in a multicultural society, the Dutch coffee shops). Economic factors (illegal economy as a push-factor).

Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Meeting Scientific Committee EMCDDA 17 th -18 th November 2008 Conclusion 1. UN-annual reports (UNODC, CND, INCB) Based upon questionnaires of member states and feeded by law enforcement-dates derived from seizures (= 10% of the real scale). 2. Interpol Is ± reliable concerning the seizures, but some limitations can be stressed (only registered seizures  activity measure of the police and customs + cfr. supra). As worldwide structured organisation, Europol offers a quite fragmental picture. 8

Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Meeting Scientific Committee EMCDDA 17 th -18 th November 2008 Conclusion 3. Europol Not able to play a prominent role in supply data registering. Fails to produce strategical analysis of the drug traffic from the EU, which should be the case (entrance to Interpol-data, h.o.-network). OCTA (monitoring-based) only gives a fragmental picture. Not the appropriate instrument to concern itself with regional and local drug markets. 4. Customs WCO: worldwide, well-structured  very thorough perception of drug traffics. 9

Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Meeting Scientific Committee EMCDDA 17 th -18 th November 2008 Conclusion  Conclusion: There is a big gap in the monitoring of regional and local drug markets. 10

Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Meeting Scientific Committee EMCDDA 17 th -18 th November 2008 Proposal 1. Need for strategical consultation between all international services which collect information about the supply-side. › Aim: to complete the monitoring on the integral supply-chain particulary with qualitative data (due to the impossibility to deliver complete and reliable quantitative data). 11

Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Meeting Scientific Committee EMCDDA 17 th -18 th November 2008 Proposal 2. For the reasons mentioned before, the EMCDDA can play an important role with regard to the qualitative aspects of the micro-supply- monitoring (regional and local drug markets). The macro-supply is more a task for more law enforcement –oriented organisations. 3. How? The EMCDDA can depend on the appropriate channels (NFP’s, expert meetings, selected issues) for the delivery of data, its contextualisation (cfr supra) and the instigation of strategic policy analysis. 12