Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow It all starts with a seed I Can… Describe the basic anatomy and physiology of a seed. I Will… Label a diagram of a basic seed Describe the function of seed parts
What is a seed? Answer: A plant embryo & food source
Anatomy of a Seed: Plumule Epicotyl Hypocotyl Hilum Seed Coat Testa Seed Coat Testa Cotyledon/ Endosperm Cotyledon/ Endosperm Radicle
1.Seed Coat / Testa – Outer protective covering. 2.Cotyledon / Endosperm – Food laden “seed leaves”. Provides growing embryo with energy. 3.Epicotyl – Growing tip of embryo and future plant. 4.Hypocotyl – Develops into plant stem 5.Radicle – Root tip of plant 6.Plumule – Develops into first true leaves for photosynthesis 7.Hilum – Seed scar; marks previous attachment point to parental fruit/plant Physiology of Seed Parts
Anatomy of a Seed: