1. Implementation of Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) 1.1 Performance of IWMP projects: The State-wise projects sanctioned, area sanctioned and funds released under IWMP during , , , , and and unspent balance is as below: S. No.State No. of proje cts Area Amt Relea sed No. of proje cts Area Amt Relea sed No. of proje cts Area Amt Release d No. of projects Area Amt Relea sed Telangana (as on ) Total Fund released Total fund released Unspent Balance as on No. of projects Area Amt Released No. of projects Area Amt Released Central share State share (Area in lakh ha & Rs. in Crore)
Year wise Expenditure under IWMP (as on ) S. No. State Expenditure (Rs. In crore) Total Telangana Note: The state has issued BROs for Rs crores (GoI Rs and State Rs crores) but funds have not been credited to A/c.
1.2. EXPENDITURE FACTSHEET (PROJECT FUND) (As on ) (Amount in crores) Budget Compone nt Amount released for projects sanctioned during (Central share + State share) Total expenditure incurred % of Exp end itur e Unsp ent Bala nce (at all levels) Total Total DPR EPA Institution & cap. building Admn. cost Watershed works Livelihood activities for the asset-less Production system & micro- enterprises Monitoring Evaluation Consolidati on Phase Total Note: Due to insufficient funds loans of Rs Crores were taken from other schemes.
1.3. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT FOR IMPLEMNTATION OF IWMP: Institu tion No of experts & Staff to be engaged as per guideline issued by DoLR No of Experts & staff actually engaged SLNA1817 WCDC7263 PIA / WDTs WCs WCs **- ** Recruitment differed in view of revised guidelines.
1.4. PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENTS UNDER IWMP: Success IndicatorUnit Achieveme nt up to Achievemen t during Target for Achievement during (From to Total Achieveme nt as on Oreation of new Rainwater Harvesting Structures No Renovation/restoration of old rain water harvesting structures No Additional area brought under Irrigation ha Plantation including afforestation & ha horticulture Formation of Self Help Groups(SHGS) NoSHGs are already in existence Providing livelihoods to household No
1.5. Progress in DPR Preparation (As on ) Particulars No of Projects Sanction ed No of DPRs already prepared & Approved by SLNA Time line for completi on of remaini ng DPRs No of DPRs uploaded in the Website of the Nodal Dept. URL of web-site No of Projects in which watershed works have commenced For Projects Sanctioned during / UI/DPR/DPR Files.aspx 48 For Projects Sanctioned during For Projects Sanctioned during For Projects Sanctioned during For Projects Sanctioned during For Projects Sanctioned during
1.6. Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase and Works Phase of IWMP Projects (as on ) Batch Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase (indicate Yes/No) Status of Evaluation of Works Phase (indicate Yes/No) No of Batch I and Batch II projects likely to be completed during Completed Under Process If not done likely date of completion Compl eted Under Process If not done likely date of completion IYes No Guidelines awaited from DoLR 43 IIYes39 IIIYes IV Yes(report in the process of submission to DoLR) No Just completed preparatory phase and entered works phase VNoJune, 2016NoNot applicable VI
1.7. Status of implementation of Operational Guideline for Bench Marking of Watershed Management It is proposed to conduct to workshop shortly with the concerned line departments for evolving a state specific strategy for the implementation of operational guidelines of bench marking Watershed Management Outcomes issued by the DoLR. After evolving state specific strategy the same will be implemented in the preparation of DPRs as well as in conducting evaluation studies.
2.0.(a).Management of Institutional Support Fund Institutional preparedness- Financial ( From Inception to ) (Rs. In lakhs) Sl. NoStates Total Central assistance Other miscellaneous receipts (incl. interest accrued),if any Total Fund availableTotal Expenditure For SLNA For WCDCs Total For SLNA For WCDCs Total For SLNA For WCDCs Total For SLNA For WCDCs Total 1Telangana
2.0(b). Total non-recurring fund released and its expenditure as on Sl. NoStates Central Releases ExpenditureBalance 1Telangana (Rs. In lakhs)
3. Status of engagement of Concurrent Monitoring agencies under IWMP Projects (as on ) Engagement of MEL&D agencies are already completed. The details of them are as under. 1. NABARD Consultancy Services 2. WAPCOS Ltd., 3. Gramin Vikas Trust
4.0. Institutional Fund utilization V/s Project Fund Utilization (as on ) Institutional FundProject Fund Total Institutional Fund received from Central Total Institution al Funds Utilized % Utilizati on Total available Funds under Project Fund (Central+ State+ Miscellaneous receipt) Total Project Fund utilized % Utilizati on % % Note: Due to insufficient funds loans of Rs Crore were taken from other schemes under project fund.
5.0. Status of appointment of Technical Staff at SLNA (as on ) Sl. No Name Govt. Employe e / Contract If Govt. then Designati on Full Time or Part Time Area of Specialization Date of appointme nt of contractual Staff Honorar ium / Salary paid per month from Instituti onal Funds (Rs.) The amount paid from Govt. funds, if any (Rs.) 1 M. Malikarjuna Swamy Govt. Employee ADA Full Time NRM Nil 2B. Eashwar Prasad,Contract- Full Time Agriculture Dr. L. Sudhakar Rao Contract- Full Time Animal Husbandry A. KishanContract- Full Time Forestry M.KiranmaiContract- Full Time Monitoring & Evaluation P. Samuel Fixed Tenure Employee s (FTEs) - Full Time Information & Capacity Building G.G. Gopala Krishna - Full Time ATE/APC (Application of Geo informatics) I. Vinod Kumar- Full Time ATE (I&CB) K. Ramachandram- Full Time ATE (NRM)
6.0. Capacity Building Sl.No Capacity Building particulars Remarks 1 Role of SLNA in Capacity Building Prepare annual action plans for capacity building, conduct training at state level, review CB team in the field, Monitor progress through web based MIS. 2 Status of preparation of Capacity Building Plan for state (for all levels of stakeholders) Prepared the state level Capacity Building plan for and approved by the CEO,SLNA 3 Status of Preparation of modules of training have been prepared or not (for all levels of stakeholders) The training Modules such as 1. Entry Point Aactivity,2. Technical manual on NRM, 3.Production System improvement 4. Animal Husbandry,5. Small ruminants, 6.Soil moisture conservation & Water Harvesting Structures, 7. Manual for Watershed Assistants 4 Status of preparation of modules of training in local language All the above Training Modules are prepared in local llanguage (Telugu) 5 Status of preparation of calendar of training for Prepared the training calendar for and obtained approved by the CEO, SLNA 6Total budget proposed for Capacity building during Rs lakhs
7.0. Proposed Capacity Building Plan for Level of stakeholders No of training No of beneficiaries Subject of Training program Name of training institute Proposed Expendit ure SLNA level PRA & PNP, DPR, NRM, Software, EPA, LH, PSI, Watershed, Mngt, Geo- Hydrology, GPs, M&E,ASTI, TSFA & Exposures TSIPARD (AMR- APARD), MCRHRD, MANAGE, NIRD, CRIDA, NRSC,AU 130 lakhs District level (DLRC) Watershed concept, PRA/PNP,DPR,NRM, Technical, Geo,HydrologyPSI,EPA,L H,AH,Agri DLRC,TTDC,Mahil a Pranganam, WDT level (CLRC) Watershed Concept, LH,Fund management, VO, SHG,MS,UG,WSC,NRM,E PA,PSI,AH.Agri CLRC WC level (Village level) Concepts on Watershed,UG,WSC,WRP,SHG,VO, LH,PSI,AH &AG WCC, MS, GPO,54.10
8.1. State-wise status of Pre-IWMP projects (as on ). StateScheme No. of Projects Sanctioned Area covered (in Lakh ha) Project Cost (Rs. in crore) Projects completed No. (All the installment received and total project area treated) Projects Closed No. (All the installment released by DoLR but total project area not treated by the State) Projects Non performing (All the installment not received) Telangana DPAP Nil4 IWDP Nil0
8.2(a). State-wise list of Pending UCs StateNo. of Pending UCs Amount (Rs. crore) TelanganaNil
8.3. Status of preparation and submission of PCRs of completed projects / Non-performing Completed Projects 25 PCRs have already been submitted to DOLR as on date as against 82 The balance PCRs are planned to submit by the end of December '2015. Non-Performing Projects 4 Non Performing watersheds closure documents were already submitted to GOI as against 4 Nos.
10. Status of Registration of Agencies in PFMS: TS implementing Electronic Fund Management System (eFMS) since 2011 for IWMP financial transactions at all levels. DoLR, GoI agreed that TS shall continue with the existing IT (eFMS system) and the state will share the data as required by PFMS for MIS purposes as in the format desired.
11. Status of uploading information on BHUVAN IWMP Portal Name of the State No of projects No- of Micro- Watersheds No of Micro-Watersheds whose data has been sent to NRSC Telangana3303,0672, Information of Shape files sent to NRSC Status of uploading data on BHUVAN Portal: Name of the State No of districts under IWMP No- of Projects No of Projects whose data has been uploaded in BHUVAN portal Telangana Requirements for field level monitoring of BHUVAN Progress: Moderation of photos is taking time due to response from the server is very slow during reloading. State abstract on BHUVAN-DRISHTI uploading status. District wise, project wise status of uploading report is required to monitor the uploading status. Selection of multiple micro-watersheds is required for attribute updation. Provision for editing and deletion of uploaded photos at SLNA level during moderation. Configuration of mobile instrument for uploading BHUVAN as it is not working in some of the mobiles.
12. IWMP-Implementation of Process Management Software Batch No of projects No of PIA registered No of projects for which legacy data in the excel sheet has been provided I48 NIL. GO PIAs could not attend the one day training programme conducted for the state. As per the recent communication received from DoLR, a state level training programme is being organised shortly. PIA registration and furnishing of legacy data shall be complied after conduct of the training programme. II74 III71 IV46 V41 VI50
12.a. IWMP-Data updating in DoLR Online MIS S.NoParameters Status upto Batch- IV 1 Baseline Survey completed225 / Financial Action Plans fed upto date214 / Financial Achievement fed upto date / Physical Action Plan fed upto date197 / Physical Achievement fed upto date / 239
Dry Land Horticulture works
Natural Resources Management