Nomenclature and Lewis Structures
Etymology Let’s look it up!
Etymology The study of the origin or words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history
Root Words How many root words do you see? Write the root words on your paper Write the meaning of the root words next to each root word
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Pneumono – refers to lungs or air Ultra – above, beyond Micro – small Scop – view Silic – element silicon Volcan – volcano Coni – dust Osis – disease
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis A lung disease with welts resembling volcanos caused by the inhalation of extremely small particles of siliceous dust.
What is the meaning of your name? Look up the meaning of the word etymology, and write the definition on your paper Write your first name at the top of your paper Find the meaning of your name Are there any root words in your name? If so, what are the meanings of the root words? Draw a picture representing the meaning of your name