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Presentation transcript:


OUTLINE 1.Definition/Introduction 2.The Gifts in Scripture 3.Purposes of Spiritual Gifts 4.Function of Spiritual Gifts 5.The Benefits of Knowing and Using one’s Spiritual Gifts 6.Doing the Inventory 7.Conclusion


QUOTATIONS ▫Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary – Christian Service, p. 9 ▫God expects personal service from everyone to whom He has entrusted a knowledge of the truth for this time” – Testimonies volume 9, p. 30.

QUOTATIONS ▫To save souls it to be the life-work of everyone who professes Christ – Testimonies volume 4, p. 53 ▫Not upon the ordained minister only rests the responsibility of going forth to fulfill this commission. Everyone who has received Christ is assigned to work for the salvation of his fellowmen – Acts of the Apostles, p. 110

QUOTATIONS ▫The conversion of souls to God is the greatest work, the highest work in which human beings can have a part – Evangelism, p. 292 ▫“Time is short, and our forces must be organized to do a larger work.” Christian Service, p. 72

Fundamental Belief, No. 16 God bestows upon all members of His church in every age spiritual gifts which each employ in loving ministry for the common good of the church and of humanity….

Fundamental Belief, No. 16 Given by the agency of the Holy Spirit, who apportions to each member as He wills, the gifts provide all abilities and ministries needed by the church to fulfil its divinely ordained functions….

Fundamental Belief, No. 16 According to Scriptures, these gifts include such ministries as faith, healing, prophecy, proclamation, teaching, administration, reconciliation, compassion, and self-sacrificing service and charity for the help and encouragement of people….

Spiritual Gifts

Fundamental Belief, No. 16 Some members are called of God and endowed by the Spirit for functions recognized by the church in pastoral, evangelistic, apostolic, and teaching ministries particularly needed to equip members for service, to build up the church to spiritual maturity and to foster unity of the faith and knowledge of God….

Fundamental Belief, No. 16 When members employ these spiritual gifts as faithful stewards of God’s varied grace, the church is protected from the destructive influence of false doctrine, grows with a growth that is from God, and is built up in faith and love.”

Definition of Spiritual Gift

“A spiritual gift is a special attribute given by the Holy Spirit to every member of the body of Christ, according to God’s grace, for use within the context of the body” (Zackrison, 1996, 10; quoting Wagner, 1994). “A spiritual gift is a special attribute given by the Holy Spirit to every member of the body of Christ, according to God’s grace, for use within the context of the body” (Zackrison, 1996, 10; quoting Wagner, 1994).

The Gifts in Scripture

Texts Relating to Spiritual Gifts 1.Romans 12: Corinthians 12:4- 11, Ephesians 4: Peter 4: 7-11

The Gifts Romans 12:1-8 1 Cor. 12:4-11, Eph. 4: Peter 4: ProphecyWisdomApostle * Speak/ Preach 2 MinistryKnowledgeProphet *Ministers 3 TeacherFaithEvangelist 4 ExhortationHealingPastors/ Teacher 5 GivingMiracles 6 LeadershipProphecy 7 MercyDiscerning 8 Tongues 9 Interpretation 10 Apostle * 11 Prophet* 12, 13, 14 Teacher, Helps, Administration

THE GIFTS – Zackrison (p. v) Faith Compassion Healing Self-sacrificing service Prophecy Charity Proclamation Pastoral* Teaching Evangelistic* Administration Apostolic* Reconciliation Teaching ministries

Gifts Mentioned Directly Rom Cor. 12 Eph 4 ProphecyProphecy Prophecy TeachingTeaching Teaching ServiceService Apostle GivingWisdom Evangelist Leadership Knowledge Pastor MercyFaith, Healing Miracles, Discerning of spirits Tongues,Interpretation of tongues Helps,Administration Gifts Mentioned Directly Rom Cor. 12 Eph 4 ProphecyProphecy Prophecy TeachingTeaching Teaching ServiceService Apostle GivingWisdom Evangelist Leadership Knowledge Pastor MercyFaith, Healing Miracles, Discerning of spirits Tongues,Interpretation of tongues Helps,Administration

THE GIFTS 1 Corinthians 12:1 “Now concerning spiritual gifts brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant.” Some 27 spiritual gifts are mentioned or alluded to in the New Testament.

THE GIFTS It is through the assignment of spiritual gifts that God designs the mission of the church is to be accomplished. Identifying and employing one’s spiritual gifts in ministry will enhance his/her spiritual growth as well as advance the church’s mission.


1.Equip members for service 2.Build up the church to spiritual maturity 3.Foster unity of faith and knowledge of God - Ephesians 4: Glorify God – 1 Corinthians 10:31; 6:-19, 20; Romans 12:1, 2; 1 Peter 4:11.


1 Peter 4:101 Peter 4:10 “As every man has received the gift, even so minister the same to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”

THE FUNCTIONS OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS 1. The consciousness of Christ’s imminent return should motivate us to use our gifts (1 Peter 4:7)

THE FUNCTIONS OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS 2. We will be held accountable for the use of our spiritual gifts (1 Peter 4:10, Matthew-Talent)

THE FUNCTIONS OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS 3. Our gifts are to be used with authority because we received them from God (1 Peter 4:11)

THE FUNCTIONS OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS 4. Spiritual gifts are to be used to bring glory to God not ourselves (1 Peter 4:11)

THE FUNCTIONS OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS 5. God should always be credited for the use of our spiritual gifts whether they are high- profile leadership or supporting gifts (1 Peter 4:11)

THE FUNCTIONS OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS “The use of spiritual gifts is part of the larger picture of Christian discipleship … It implies that active service on behalf of the kingdom is an integral part of the new birth experience. It turns one into a Christian soldier, ready to fight on behalf of the kingdom of God,” (Zackrison, p. 11).

THE FUNCTIONS OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS Ellen White writes: “Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a disciple,” (The Desire of Ages, p. 195).

THE FUNCTIONS OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS “A disciple is a person who has been born again, joined the church, identified his or her spiritual gifts, accepted a role in the church compatible with those gifts, and is committed to fulfilling that role without continual external motivation,” (Zackrison, p. 11, based on Matt. 28: ).

THE FUNCTIONS OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS “Heaven apportions to all their work, and it should be their ambition to do this work well, according to their capabilities.” “God requires that all, the weakest as well as the strongest, fulfil their appointed work.” (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 245).


1. Knowing what your gifts are enables you to put them to use effectively and intentionally 2.When you recognize your gifts, you can take steps to develop them to maximum efficiency and usefulness and set priorities for your service to the Kingdom.

THE BENEFITS OF KNOWING & USING YOUR GIFTS 3.You will be much more satisfied and less frustrated knowing that you are doing exactly what the Lord has called you to do on behalf of the kingdom 4.will know that you are contributing to the overall work of the body of Christ in precisely the way you were meant to contribute, (Zackrison, p. 12).

THE BENEFITS OF KNOWING & USING YOUR GIFTS 5.Knowing and using your spiritual gifts contribute to your spiritual growth - 6.Knowing and using your spiritual gifts will earn you affirmation from Christ (Matthew 25:14-30).

THE BENEFITS OF KNOWING & USING YOUR GIFTS “Ministries based on spiritual giftedness are long-term. Spiritual giftedness implies expertise, continuing education and consistent development,” (Zackrison, p. 13).

Doing the Inventory

CONCLUSION Spiritual gifts are developed through study, planning and application. Study involves reading books as well as spending time observing and working with a person who has a similar gift. Paul counselled Timothy, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth,” (2 Timothy 2:15).


Reference Zackrison, J. W. (1996). Practical Spiritual Gifts. Boise, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association.