15 Feet : Minimum Width for Zone 1 Zone 1 Functions: Bank Stabilization Shading (water temperature control) Flood Protection Stream Inputs: Structural woody debris Detritus and other organic material as food for organisms. Zone 1 Vegetation: Unmanaged Woodland (trees and shrubs) Additional Benefits: Corridor and/or stream access for certain wildlife species Zone 1
35 Feet Minimum width of zones 1 and 2 combined Zone 2 Functions: Treat surface and groundwater by removal of : Nutrients Sediments Other pollutants Zones 1 & 2 Additional Benefits: Corridor and/or stream access and feeding areas for certain wildlife species Zone 2 Vegetation: Woodland : Trees and Shrubs Zone 2 woodlands may be managed
35 Feet Minimum width to the beginning of zone 3 Zone 3 Function: Zone 3 acts as an additional filter where needed for abutting land areas that pose a threat to water quality due to runoff, erosion, or contamination This zone provides treatment by trapping runoff, sediments, nutrients, and pesticides. Zone 3 Vegetation: Grasses and Herbaceous Plants Beginning of Zone 3
100 Feet Upper end of customary width for zones 1 and 2. Zones 1 & 2 Zone 3 Vegetation: Grasses and Herbaceous Plants Think About It !! NRCS Standards require that zone 1 and 2 have a combined width of between 35 and 100 feet depending on the size of a watercourse’s flood plain. You may have additional reasons for determining your buffer’s width including soil and site considerations; land use, management, and availability; wildlife; and the nature of the water body. Think about the functions you require and get as much information as you can about the area.
300 Feet : In addition to the water quality functions, you may want other benefits from your buffer. Perhaps you want to encourage certain types of wildlife in your area? Studies vary widely when it comes to estimating how much area a given species needs to survive and thrive. Here’s what 300 feet looks like on the ground. ………