+ Ecole doctorale des Humanités ED 520 Dean : Pierre Hartmann
+ Doctoral school of humanities About us Missions Organisation
+ Research at the University of Strasbourg Research division Doctoral college10 Doctoral schools 79 Research units
+ Co-accreditation Unistra - UHA 9 RU in Strasbourg 1 RU in Mulhouse Co-accreditation Doctoral school (ED 520) EA 1337 CL EA 1339 LILPA EA 1340 GEO EA 1341 EG EA 2325 SEARCH EA 2336 CRE Φ AC EA 3094 CARRA EA 3402 ACCRA EA 4376 CHER EA 4363 ILLE
+ 10 reseach units (RU) CodeName EA 1337Configurations littéraires (CL) french literature EA 1339Linguistique, langues, parole (LILPA) linguistics EA 1340Groupe d’études orientales, slaves et néo helléniques (GEO) eastern and oriental studies EA 1341Etudes germaniques : mémoires et frontières (EG) german studies EA 2325Recherches sur le monde anglophone (SEARCH) english studies EA 2326Philosophie (CRE Φ AC) philosophy EA 3094Centre d’analyses des rhétoriques religieuses de l’Antiquité (CARRA) EA 3402Approches contemporaines de la création et de la réflexion artistiques (ACCRA) arts EA 4376Culture et histoire dans l’espace roman (CHER) romance lenguages EA 4363Institut de recherche en langues et littératures européennes (ILLE - UHA) european literatures
+ Key figures 2013/2014 Enrolment 345 Staff 112 professors Maximum per supervisor10 Averige per supervisor 4 Defences39 Averige duration59 months Co-supervision40 Doctoral contracts nationally funded8 Doctoral contract regionally funded1
+ Governing bodies Dean : Pierre Hartmann Deputy dean : Catherine Schnedecker Dean Deputy dean 2 heads of research units 1 student representative Governing committee 11 heads of research units 4 students representative 1 administrative representative 5 external personalities Board
+ Missions The doctoral school provides the institutional framework for doctoral studies. It has a three- fold mission : Lead and support the students from admission to defence Transferable skills Employability and career
+ Courses 54 hours ED hours Doctoral college 108 hours
+ Transferable skills Director : J. Hubé Doctoral college The universtity and its environment Europe and its institutions Career plan Socio-economical environment, optimization of results Professional environment Languages including French Information and communication technologies Bibliography… Tools Oral and written communication Teaching skills Dissemination of information Communication
+ ED 520 courses doctoral conference (1 day) « Transmission » 4 methodological courses Exploring texts with computerized tools Research institutions in the humanities Publishing Academic writing
+ The stages of your PhD Master’s degree with honours Admission committees in research units and in ED520 D1 Annual research progress D1 to Dn Mid-term assessment in research units D2 36 months Can be prolonged to 72 months in specific cases Duration From the 2d to the 6th year Defence
+ Further information ed.humanites.unistra.fr Website Marie-Carmen Ramirez Coordination Arrêté du 7 août 2006 French regulations