Беспечность приводит к беде. (Пословица) At open doors dogs come in. Proverb
THE EARTH IS OUR HOME Eco Problems In Our Home Place
3:] Disturbed Burnt Hurt [æ] accident atmosphere [dз] ecology apology technology
Eco Problems
To cut down fire To leave trees To throw away animals To kill litter To disturb nature To damage the environment To spoil wild animals
To cut down fire To leave trees To throw away animals To kill litter To disturb nature To damage the environment To spoil wild animals
разрушать дикую природу загрязнять воздух озоновый слой бросать мусор оставлять костер портить окружающую среду вырубать леса загрязнять воду беспокоить диких животных повреждать природу разрисовывать деревья испытывать ядерное оружие тепличный эффект
People should/shouldn’t Create national parks Leave fire in forests Cut down trees Pass antipollution laws Recycle wastes Display signs saying "Protect nature!“ Drop litter Kill animals Take care of nature Reduce air and water pollution Leave food for birds in winter Save electricity and water
The tree of good deeds
Code of ecological rules 1. Keep our land, air, water clean. 2. Let’s make the world a better place. 3. Put litter away. 4. Protect the environment from industrial pollution. 5. All woods are home to animals. 6. Help nature. Protect it. 7. The protection of nature means the protection of Motherland. 8. The Earth is our home. Don’t pollute it.