EDUCATION IN MALI The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.
In , only 49 % of the children aged 7 to 12 attended school; this is among the lowest levels of school attendance in the world. In rural areas, the attendance rate was lower still: only 30 % of the children attended.
EDUCATION IN MALI Estimates of literacy rates in Mali range from 27–30% to 46.4 male --> 47 % female --> 31 % 900,000 Malian children aged 7-12 most of them are girls, out of school. Those children that are in school frequently get a poor education because of large classes, poor infrastructure, lack of materials, and, in particular, a lack of trained teachers. Campaigns estimates a current gap of more than 45,000 trained teachers.
World literacy map
WHY CANT SHE GO TO SCHOOL Parents send their children for work rather than to school Schools are at greater distances and cant be accessed easily. Her family is unable to cover the cost of uniforms, books, supplies, and other fees required to attend school. Due to gender inequality she cannot get proper quality education. Mali is an LEDC (poor eco. conditions) The education system is ruined by a lack of schools in rural areas, as well as shortages of teachers and materials required to make children educate Due to gender inequality women face a problem. The scarcity of textbooks and the large proportion of unqualified teachers.
THE GOVERNMENT OF MALI I am trying to provide 1 time meals I am ensuring that all of them get free education Education compulsory for nine years between the ages of seven and sixteen. I will increase the quality of education by forming more teachers and revising the programs. I will offer free uniforms,pencils and other stationery, lunch at school and primary health care as vaccines or dewor medicines which will have a double impact : increasing attendance as well as improving nutrition and health of the students. To tackle the gender inequity, I will bring women teachers in the scholar system which will increase girls enrollment as well as the number of girls students graduating. Teaching in the dialect of the region also dramatically increase the results in school. It ensure a better quality of teaching and response from the students.
Compulsory education from 7-16 age The school year lasts from October to June. Four types of primary schools in Mali. Some public schools offer a traditional French language curriculum. Community and international nongovernmental agency supporting schools, some of which use a traditional French language curriculum while others teach in the mother tongue. Few private schools use the traditional French language curriculum; others provide bilingual Arab/French instruction.
BIBILIOGRAPHY mdp/education-1 mdp/education