Vocabulary Set 6 Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes Test = 10/31/14
Tempestuous The men nearly came to blows during the tempestuous confrontation. Maria threw a tempestuous fit, followed by many sobs and tears.
Definition: Tempestuous Strong conflicting emotion POS: Adjective Synonyms: wild, heated, explosive, bad tempered
Nuptials As their nuptials approached, the couple grew anxious for their upcoming wedding. The twentieth anniversary of my nuptials will be celebrated on November 21 st.
Definition: Nuptials Relating to marriage or weddings POS: Noun Synonyms: ceremony, wedding, union
Inconspicuous She wore all black so she would be inconspicuous in the crowd. It is hard to remain inconspicuous if you are wearing a brightly colored, neon green jacket.
Definition: Inconspicuous Not clearly visible POS: adjective Synonyms: unnoticeable, concealed, unseen
Diction Her diction while giving the speech was flawless. A television announcer must have clear diction so everyone can understand him.
Definition: Diction Word choice POS: Noun Synonyms: articulation, speech, delivery
Tone The high school football coach spoke to the young football players with a tone of command. The teacher spoke to the preschoolers using a high tone in her voice.
Definition: Tone Overall quality of a musical or vocal sound POS: Noun Synonyms: sound, mood, voice